
Yz80 front suspension help

by  |  earlier

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i have a yz80 and the front suspension is pretty har.It will onlymove down a bit.It is a 1988 odel.What could be the problem.There is alos noleaks in it




  1. Since someone else owned the bike before you, chances are they did some thing to the forks that made them that way.  Two probabilities, there is too much oil in the forks or there are spacers between the caps and the springs.

    Remove both caps, take out any spacers.  The next part could be messy so have some rags handy.  With both caps off and the springs still in the forks, compress the forks all of the way.  If any oil comes out the top, there was too much in the forks.  Re-assemble and check how things work.

    If this does not help, you'll need a manual that describes how properly repair your forks,  There will be specifications about how much and what type of oil to use as well the correct dimensions for the fork springs.


    call him and ask him hes pretty good,  tell him Revin sent you and he'll help you out

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