
Zara phillips?

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what do you think of her? do you know if she's down to earth, s****. etc? thanks =]




  1. totally agree with topcats answer, couldn't have said it better myself

  2. from what I have seen and heard she is just a pretty normal ( horsey )person. Quite an inspiration for the kids. I read a piece about he getting hit in the nose when her horse spooked and going out and doing a 3 day even with a broken nose.

  3. I think she is lovely, never met her, but have heard a good deal about her. I met Princess Anne many years ago at a show...I was a child then, and she was polite and friendly. To me, it doesn't matter who her parents are, it's all what she does that dictates the sort of person she is. At the end of the day, she is a person like the rest of us.

  4. I am sure that she is a down to earth, horsey lady.

    It is a real shame that she has had to withdraw from our Equestrian Olympic team. She will be greatly missed.

  5. She's like her mother, Princess Anne - an individual with her own character who isnt afraid to stand out. I liked Princess Anne from the minute she told journalists to 'naff off'. It was a really big thing at the time, stepping out of line like that.

  6. I worked in a pub in Cheltenham (where she went to school).  I served her one night and she was lovely, made conversation and was very polite.

  7. Hi.  She very very down to earth - as is her mother believe it or not.  Zara mucks out her own horse and pulls her weight on the yard.

    She hasnt a s****. bone in her body and all reports coming back from her at competitions say she is a fun girl with no pretensions.

    She works and trains hard and deserves her place on the teams when she is picked.

    Why do you ask?

  8. i like her, althoguh shes really rich, you would think she would get her teeth sorted,... shes really pretty its just her teeth...  but shes an amazin rider i have to say :)

  9. never heard of her.

    is she a nobody celeb, or a minor royal?

    amazing what people want to waste their brain cells on innit?

  10. A friend of a friend is very good friends with Zara apparently she isn't s****. at all and is a really nice person. I saw her at Badminton and she seems really nice.

  11. Nobody accociated with the royal family is down to earth. They know nothing except privillage and have never lived in the real world and it has gone to their heads. Zara Phillips is no different in my opinion. But that's just my opinion. Sorry to burst your bubble if you like her.

  12. If it's true that she mucks out her own horse and drives her own lorry, she is considerably more down to earth than most other professional riders - royal or not.

    From what I've seen of her, she seems very pleasant.

  13. I like her,ive read that shes very down to earth & doesnt think her self above anyone,

    Read recently that she was at a big event & mucked in like the rest of them & wasnt afraid of hard work & mud.

  14. I've seen quite a few interviews with her now- there's one in a fairly recent edition of Your Horse.

    She seems quite a down to earth person, not at all s****.. She doesn't feel particularly fond of being in the public eye.

  15. I've seen a couple of interviews with her and she comes across as very down to earth and a nice girl.  Of course it could just be an act for the camera if I was feeling cynical.  Just before Badminton this year I think BBC did an interview with her and she showed them around the stables, her lorry and everything.  Apparently she drives her own lorry everywhere.  From what I've seen I like her and she has given the sport some good publicity which is always a bonus.
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