
Zebra Danio question?

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Well a couple questions actually...

1) What is the average size of a Zebra Danio school?

2) How much space (minimum tank size) do they need to be comfortable and happy?

3) Any other information you can tell me about them, and any websites you can give me to read up more on them would be appericiated.





  1. my danios are very content in there group of 4 but no less than that or they will torment eachother.

    you can put 4 danios in a five gallon tank with a couple live plants they will be very happy

    these fish are very hardy and like slightly acidic water ( i keep my ph at 6.8) they do well in a wide temperature range 68-80 degrees Fahrenheit (i keep my tank between 70 and 75 F)  

    i  NOW have my 4  danios in a 10 gallon tank with 3 live plants and they are very happy.

    good luck! feel free to e-mail me if you need to know anything else!

  2. Zebra Danios do best in a school of 5-7 fish in a 10 gallon tank. They would do even better in a school of 8-10 in a 15-20 gallon long tank.

    They are easy to breed but will eat their babies and eggs if presented with the opportunity. They are very hyper little fish and are always chasing and playing and trying to find food. They will always make a tank lively.

    I have 5 zebra danios that I bred myself a year ago and they are so great. There are so many varities out there now too. The newest variety is the Longfin Blue Zebra Danios, they are just beautiful!

    I'm including more info in the sources for you. Good luck!

  3. Danios should be kept in groups of at least 6. As far as tank size, 1 inch of fish per gallon of water is the rule of thumb. There are also other varieties of zebra danios you might consider.

  4. Since zebra danios are are schooling fish they should be kept in groups of 6 or more.  There is a rule called the 1 inch rule, 1 inch of fish per gallon.  1 zebra danio is 2 inch so it needs 2 gallons of space. 2 zebra danios need 4 gallons of space.  I would reconmend you buy a 10 gallon aquarium and put 6 in.

    Remember that you have to cycle your aqaurium before you add all the fish.  Cycling is when the aqarium has a chance mature, to put this in a understandible way see links below.

    Zebra danios are a peaceful comunity fish and get along very well with other fish.  They should be feed twice a day.  Any leftover food should be removed with a fish net.  They enjoy live plants.  It is very relaxing to watch them dart back and forth.

    Below I have information on zebra danios, cycling and some other peaceful schooling fish you might like, tetras.

    Feel free to pm me!!

    Hope I helped!!!

  5. You should have a minimum of five in a school. The guideline for it is an inch of fish per gallon, but my five do fine in a ten gal (they are about an inch and a half long each).

    You might want to check out

    for information on them.

    Might also want to check

    before mixing your Zebras with any other fish.

  6. hi there my favourite fish

    they need a minimum school of 6

    about 2 gallons each

    they grow quite fast but not very big and there are fancy variety's
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