I have four finches: two boys and two girls. For the past few months, they have been happily co-living and even separated into couples. They do lay eggs, but none have hatched. About four days ago, one of the males (lets call him Joe) had got stuck in his nest and hurt his beak. The other male (Bob) was flying at him and attacking him while he was stuck and this is how it caught my attention. Well, I helped Joe get free and both the females were fussing over him, helping him clean off the blood from where he hurt himself. Everything seemed to be back to normal until yesterday when I came home to find Bob dead and covered in blood. I believe that he was killed by one of the other birds (possibly Joe?) and now Bob's girlfriend is very sad, won't go in their nest where they have an egg, etc. I'm just not sure what to do. The folks at the pet store recommended that I don't replace him, but I am looking for a second opinion. Please help! Thanks in advance!