
Zebra Finches taking over Society Finches eggs?

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I have a pair of Society finches and a pair of Zebra finches. The Zebra finch built a nest but the Society finch used it to lay her eggs. After the fourth egg was laid, the Zebra finches took over the nest and are incubating the eggs and now won't let the Society finches anywhere near it. At nighttime the Zebra finches leave the nest and sleep on the perches but the Society finches don't go to the nest. The pairs are also fighting each other. What shall I do? Remove the nest? Separate the pairs? Help!!




  1. let them do whatever

  2. Hi,

    If you want them to breed then remove the society finches. You definitely have so weird birds because normally its the society finches which foster other birds eggs.

  3. If it were me I would get other nesting boxes or nesting huts and seperate the pairs if you can . that way it cuts down on the fighting and you will have very happy birds . good luck .

  4. By what you say you do not have enough nest baskets,put in some more (2) and this will solve your problem,

    It is because there are not enough nesting sites .

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