
Zebra finches eggs not hatching?

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its been 5 weeks and the eggs of my zebra finches still havnt hatched is there something wrong?




  1. Incubation for zebra finches is around 14 days.  You can candle them and if they were my eggs I would do it to get a clue on what is going on, but chances are if they haven't hatched in 5 weeks the eggs are not going to hatch.

    There are many reason why the eggs didn't hatch.  The eggs could not have been fertile or the chick(s) died in the shell.  Hard to say.

  2. Zebra finch eggs take around 3 weeks to hatch though the countdown to this only starts when the birds begin to incubate. eggs may be laid and left for upto 2 weeks before a bird should begin to incubate. it can take anywhere between 14 - 30 days for the incubating to be complete and eggs to hatch. Eggs tend to be laid at the rate of 1 egg a day and the average clutch ranges from between 2-8 eggs. Finches tend not to incubate until all eggs are laid.

    It is important that you check the nest and see how many eggs there are, it is prefered that you do not touch the eggs unless completely necessary. Keep an eye on the finches at night as thats when they tend to incubate due to the lowered temperature. It is also important that if there are only 1-4 eggs in the nest that you check for signs of any broken eggs as parents of infertile eggs will usually throw them out of the nest or eat them for the calcium. Another important thing with a small clutch is to check the female's vent for any signs of egg binding (Check for an egg that may be stuck or for abnormal colouration of the vent)

    If none of the eggs have been destroyed, the female is healthy and the birds have incubated but not succeeded then by the 7th week at latest you should remove the eggs from the nest before they have a chance to lay new eggs on top of the old ones as they mix them up so the new eggs may be fertile but the old ones not and i doubt you want to throw away an egg that could hatch.

    One way to check for a fertile egg (If absolutely necessary) is to 'candle' each egg. Preferably this would be done by wearing a pair of sterile latex gloves (To prevent any chemicals or odours from you transferring to the eggs) and by either holding a torch against one side of the egg and seeing if the egg has blod vessels of any sort or if it is dark (If the egg appears see-through then the chances are that it is infertile) or if you cannot find a good torch to do this then holding the eggs towards a light bulb (not getting too close as bulbs are a heat source and may damage or begin the incubation process which is not good if the parents have not yet begun to incubate them as the heat then being left cold will kill any young) and doing the same process.

    I hoped this helped.

  3. i don't noe when zebra finches eggs r suppose to hatch but if they r not gonna hatch then that means the eggs isn't fertilized

  4. I'm not sure about finches, but my love birds and parrotlets take 21-25 days to hatch.  5 weeks is an awfully long time.  Have you candled them to see if they are fertile?  Hold them at a light to see if the are either dark or see through.

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