
Zeeland Colonial Grandfather Clock

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  1.  i have colonial of zeeland grandfather clock Serial#7427980 I need two know how the weights are lined up two have H on bottom the other has no marking

  2. can anyone tell me anything about a colonial grandfather clock serial # 7815936? someone gave it to me but it's not working.  should i invest on repairs???

  3. I have a colonial grandfather move #54 need the pound size of the weights

  4. I have a colonial grandfather move #54 need the pound size of the weights

  5. Clock not striking right, can suggest what I can try.

  6. I have a Colonial zeeland clock that has "tempus fugit" on the face of the clock. It was my uncles and I have no owners manual or instructions as to how to reinstall the chains and weights. I was being used up until his death about 6 months ago. I could use some help please.

  7. serial number 7903979 clock will run only about 5 minn.

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