
Zeitgeist? What can the american people do to start a revolution against the US government??

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This movie tottally reveals all the secrets, and lies, and scams that the US government has been hiding for hundreds of years. After watching this movie, it just blew my whole perspective of the world out of the water. Now as an American I am outraged!! What can we do to stand up to the goverment and their corruptness? What can we as a people do to save ourselves from our own country???




  1. There would be no way to lead a revolution against the current US Government, even though in the Constitution it says that the people have to rise up against a government once it becomes corrupt. Unfortunately the people trying to rebel would be labeled as "terrorists" and eliminated with extreme prejudice.

  2. America is completely melting down. There are so many things broken across the board and with the rising costs of food, gas, energy, etc. the home foreclosure fiasco, bank bail outs, stimulus packages that don't work, "let's borrow more money from China to give to the people to buy gas from the Saudis." etc., a civil unrest is brewing.  I'm with Glenn Beck on this, start looking for a pitchfork.

  3. watch it again and look for contradictions.

    how many pieces of silver?

    the alpha-phonetic letter 'm'?

    did they speak english at that time and place?

    watch it again, look for the mind F>K

  4. Elect politicians with voting records PROVING their respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  5. I haven't seen it, but I would strongly caution you to look at all sides very deeply before grabbing your torch and pitchfork.  Using one source of information to justify any stand is dumb and dangerous.

  6. I have this answered this question many times.

  7. Join opposition groups. United we're strong. Diluted we fail. Join a reputable 911 group backed by scholars and experts. Join a North American union opposition group. Join Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty. Do all 3 if you can.  If not, do the most important Campaign for Liberty.

  8. I know what will eventually happen and would like to explain that I could never participate in any kind of criminal activity no matter what the reward.  I WOULD NOT AND COULD NOT DO THIS EVEN IF THE REWARD WAS INSURMOUNTABLE.  However, people with low moral development will eventually do it and some are already doing it and for these reasons:

    Fact #1.  Economic times are hard.  Health care is expensive and sometimes not even attainable for a good part of the population.

    Fact #2.  When people are in federal prison, medical care, rent, education, food are all provided at no cost.  Some federal prisons even provide a country club type, tennis, swimming pools, libraries, etc.

    Fact #3.  There is no Compassionate Choices when it comes to deciding how people will be treated who are terminally ill.  A person who is dying and in severe pain can not opt for doctor assisted suicide.  People in the U.S. can not choose peaceful death when they are terminally and painfully sick.

    Fact #4.  If  a person attempts to kill a government official, they will be killed and it will not be deemed suicide so their families can get benefits and very likely even sue the police or system for their loved one's death blaming medication and mental illness for their actions.

    Putting these facts together, I see a huge uprising of the people because if the person attacking the system and/or government officials is not killed on the spot, they will have free medical care in a federal prison and have a high chance of recovery that they would not have if they had not committed a crime.

    Crime absolutely does pay.  Assassinating any government official could have tremendous rewards for people who are terminally ill or in tremendous financial difficulties.Therefore, many people can not live outside prision are constantly doing what ever it takes to get back in prision where food, medical care and a warm place to sleep are always provided.  

    In my opinion, if our government doesn't provide everyone with these basic needs without them turning into criminals, there will be a major uprising of people with low moral development.  

    Their attitude..."kill me quick as I'm dying anyway."

    Hard work simply isn't paying off in the U.S. any more and crime does pay these days.  

    The conundrum:  

    If the government refuses medical care, food and comfortable lodging for inmates, and we become a police state we will be no better than the communist countries we have been working so many years to over throw.

    If we become compassionate and provide more welfare and provide medical care for all, again, we will be no better than the communist countries we have worked so long to over throw.

    What is a failing government to do???

  9. In the 1960s, a lot of people thought the country was very close to revolution over racism and the draft, but the clever thing about the US is that when enough people feel strongly enough about an issue, a compromise is reached.  The country ended the draft and has taken amazing strides in eliminating racism.

    I have faith that eventually, compromises will be reached in the War in Iraq, Universal Health Insurance, Immigration,  the Energy crises, Home mortgages, Old age Pensions and all the other issues that concern Americans.  Only those nations which cannot bend with the wind end up breaking.

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