
Zeitgeist - what does it mean?

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What does this mean?

What do people commonly mean when they refer to or say ... Zeitgeist... There is a Zeitgeist movie online, that is supposedly about how their is no God.

What does Zeitgeist mean?

Thanks everyone.




  1. The general moral, intellectual, and cultural climate of an era; Zeitgeist is German for “time-spirit.”

  2. This is a German idiomatic expression:

    Zeit = time

    Geist = ghost or spirit

    Translation is:  Spirit of the Times.  It refers typically to cultural times, not just times like Christmas, etc.  For example, the Zeitgeist of the 1920's was the party era, flappers, jazz, etc.  That is why it was called the roaring 20's.

  3. Spirit of the time


  4. Not sure what it has to do with Royalty, but here's how I interpret it: It's a German word that refers to a specific time period. For instance, a baby boomer is a person born between 1946 and 1964 in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, or Australia. Following World War II, these countries experienced an unusual spike in birth rates, a phenomenon commonly known as the baby boom. This period of time would fall under the definition, that I got from below, of a Zeitgeist or time period. The invention of the internet/computers/surfing the world wide web can also be considered the starting point of another zeitgeist. The movie can also be clarified at

  5. I'm sure you have the definition by now, but the movie tries to persuade that Christianity is based off astology, the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy, and that the National Bank of America is keeping America in a constant state of debt.

  6. HI! Zeigeist means.... can only be observed for past event....that deviate from ruling ZEITGEIST, always aggravate the crowd......

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