
Zeitgiest Movie now showing on the web?

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I wanted to get some opinions on what you thought of the movie and any further info. I know the movie covers alot; being a medium, I have been seeing many things and that this movie covers lots of things that make sense to me.

Only serious replies please. Thank you.




  1. Yes, it is. It proves there actually never was anybody named Jesus, plus, it proves there was no Abraham and Sara. It turns out all that was knockoff myths from the Eygptians who started everything in that area.

    Moses, one God theology and all of it came from the Egyptains. Guess they fooled everybody, huh?

  2. I can see garbage on the streets too. This "documentary" is propaganda. Dr Goebbels would be so proud.

  3. The Christian part I think is true. But I believe Jesus was a real person. For me it is OK to say things that others before us said. It is how wisdom is given.

    The 9/11 part, I can't say. It shows a good argument. To hash it over and over, for me,is a waste of time.

    The Money part I very much believe. There is enough proof out there that shows what is happening to our money. The Federal Reserve is this nations credit card that you and I and several more generations will be paying on.  

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