
Zelda question???????

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well, kids at school were listening to me talking about zelda minish cap with my friend last year, and those kids told me that minish cap shouldnt even be considered a zelda game and ocarina of time is 10x better.

But I dont get it, I think minish cap is an awesome game, and so is phantom hourglass. But it seems that the only two games they like are twilight princess and ocarnia of time. So I am wondering what is so special about those games. I am an RPG fan and I like playing kids games like pokemon and megaman battle network. But they are those mature gamers that play games like halo.




  1. it meant get away from the kids games, the ones you are talking about are almost childish,twilight princess is a more mature game, and thats what makes it better.

  2. it seems there not die hard zelda fans, ocarina was the best 3d game of its time, and the story is amazing, twili well it was OK zelda was barly in that one, minish cap is really fun dude, windwaker in my opinion is the best. yea im 15 so i guess im a mature gamer zelda is still fun, phantom sucked balls but hey alot of poeple liked it
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