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There are few banks in India offering a Zero balance accounts in there banks for saving accounts and now I also heard that ICICI bank is offering a FREE ZERO BALANCE CURRENT ROAMING ACCOUNT as i am not sure what is this and how to go for it and to whome should I contact it as if directly asked in Bank they refuse if there is any Zero Balance facility but there are few Agents whome Banks like ICICI, UTI, CITIBANK has given power to activate zero balance account for there slot of accounts can someone guide me or point me to those who can offer Zero balance Account for Saving and/or Current account Directly with out geting in touch with any bank ????? (MY LOCATION IS MUMBAI) looking forward for lods of answerzzzz :-) Thank in Advance
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Report (0) (0) | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago
There are Zero Balance or No-Frills Accounts available in almost all banks, as its a guideline given to them by the RBI. The banks dont promote and market them as its not in their direct benefit. If you visit any bank branch, the standard answer will be, "Zero Balance A/c is not available in our branch". Its better you write to the Bank's Customer Care asking them to ask someone to get in touch from whichever branch so that you can get the A/c opened. Then the bank cannot give an excuse. You may mention that you would report to the Banking Ombudsman.
All the people have left stupid and senseless comments. When someone doesn't know about a particular topic, what pleasure do they get in just writing in. Anyways, I hope my feedback was of some use.
Saurabh Dayal
Report (0) (0) | earlier
hello, i want to open a zero balance account , u will suggest me what is the procedure to open an account
Latest activity: 9 years, 5 month(s) ago. This question has 4 answers.