
Zero period troubles?!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so for my junior year, i will be taking 7 classes

meaning i will have zero period

the problem is that i don't have a ride

to school.

i wont get my license until october 10.... or maybe two weeks after that.

i don't have any friends that are taking zero period with me.

my parents cant wake up too early...

they need their sleep

and i don't want to be a burden to them

my parents (especially my dad)

isn't supportive of me taking zero period but i need

it to complete my science credit

what should I do?

in my sophomore year, i got a ride to school with my neighbor.

this year, she still has no zero period

but i don't want to bother her by having to drive me....

tips, whatever would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Just walk. 30 minutes isn't torture. Also, you could buy somebody breakfast for taking you early and they could study in the library for an hour.

  2. Take a public bus, or ride a bike. It doesn't seem like you have any other option unfortunately  

  3. You better start walking

  4. maybe you can take the bus to school

    if you can't take the bus to school and have no options for taking a zero period, then i suggest you to not take a zero period and instead, take 6 classes.. but make up that science credit in the summer

    or really review your schedule and see if there is a class that you feel like you don't really need [like an elective]  

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