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Why do es the Government(s) not issue food and money sanctions onh this regime. It might encourage people to start a coup.I know that many people are going to say that would be punishing innocent victims but if that is the case why dont they go in and storm Robert Mugabe's government. They keep talking about Zimbabe this and Zimbabwe that. DO SOMETHING OR DROP THE BLOODY SUBJECT...ENOUGH ALREADY.

Another question or observation is that the Governments are considering putting Arms sanctions on this regime....My question is what the h**l are they doing giving them arms in the first place.




  1. You would be surprised at how many goods go all over the world from China.

    I say let all the countries that are buying their produce stop .

    Then lets see where they will be.

    As for the Russians. Well say no more.They are not the big nation they used to be

    And the Russians want to join the European Union at some time. They look like they are going the wrong way about it

  2. Russia and China share the same philosphies, and are still our enemies at heart.  Their governments anyway.  Don't think they're not.  Commies through and through.

  3. Yeh I get the point. Propaganda has gone into overdrive with Zimbabwe on the news etc.

    Its all so bloody two-faced! Always has been.

    So much interference in the running of that country - its all to do with land and resources, nobody is worried about the inhabitants. They give them arms and Zimbabwe government gives them access to their land and resources (mining for example).

  4. Well now you see Russia and China have vetoed the sanctions against this barbaric regime. That would be right as they are not that good on their Human Rights either, so if they voted YES then that would have made them hypocrite's

    would it not.

  5. Please Note : it was a Chinese ship with CHINESE manufactured weapons which was destined for the Zimbabwe Armed Forces, which was prevented from docking and unloading by the South African dockers, and all credit to them, when their Government was too spineless to officially ban their import.

    Is it any wonder that China has vetoed the UN sanctions resolution. As far as Russia is concerned, anything done to thwart or harm the West is fair game - very vindictive the Russians !

  6. Good  old  colonialism. Coming back  to  haunt the world!

  7. We've been trying to have sanctions against em,  and nearly got it, but China and Russia Veto'd it !!

    As for Arms sanctions, your right....... A month ago, some south African Dock workers did refuse to load a Zimbabwe bound ship with Armoury because they knew they'd be used against the people.

    And good on em for that.

  8. well that's the thing isn't it..

    freeze the bank accounts of Mugabe and his fat ulgy generals, freeze their air space and seize their houses & assests in Balgravia & a short time his 5 fat sweaty generals...will deal with him..they are as deep in spilled blood as he is....

  9. Perhaps because if they do issue food and money sanctions against Zimbabwe then the only ones who will really suffer will be the people and not the politicians.

    In that respect they would be no different to Mugabe himself as it means they would be prepared to use the same means he uses to stay in power in order to oust him with no regard for the impact on civilians.

    You should remember that native Zimbabweans started to oppose Mugabe when they ran out of food and jobs, not when the farms were taken away from the white farmers who despite making up under three percent of the population controlled over 45% of the land (between 70-80% of the best agricultural land). There have been cases of intense xenophobia and murders of foreigners in Western Europe over less "wealth control".

    Mugabe is a leader who has overstayed his welcome and should pass on the torch to a generation of younger more understanding Zimbabweans. He should remember that a possible path towards the building of a nation, if it entails the sacrifice of even its most minute community (white Zimbabweans), is too big a price to pay and anew path should be chosen.

    White Zimbabweans  should understand that regardless of all the c**p being said and done, they are children of Zimbabwe, entitled to an equal and fair treatment and as such they should continue to require it of their government. More painful though, It also rests on their shoulders to right the wrong done by their ancestors (land-grabbing) by finding a way to also return what was not their ancestors' to take or pass on to them. Let's not forget that to this day works of art (wealth) stolen by the n***s are being returned to the descendants of those from whom they were taken, to most Zimbabweans this feels like the same thing, the same goes for land grabbed in Eastern Europe by the communists....
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