
Zimbabweans in SA?

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We know that our friend Thabo is our friend, and will protect us against the white man's scheme to retake Zimbabwe, but did you know that we ourselves have our plans?

If Thabo goes, and the wrong man is chosen to replace him, what will we do? It is simple. You think that all these Zimbabweans now moving to SA are refugees. Do you not know that they are not? They are all CIO people and war veterans. They are the spearhead of our popular movement.

We are moving to take over South Africa to protect black South Africans against the colonialists.

Does not that make you feel happy and safe?




  1. Don't worry Bob, when jJacob Zuma becomes president of SA then it is going to be pay-back time for you, my friend.

    Zuma is a Zulu and behind closed doors he lusts for the blood of murderer of over thirty thousand Matabele men women and children, slaughtered by your Koek'ro-Hondo murder brigade and everyone else involved in your ethnic cleansing programs.

    So my advice to you Bob is to enjoy life, because the times they are a changin'

  2. eish, yes you must protect SA from the white man and perhaps if SA is lucky enough it will become as successful and as nice a country to live in as Zimbabwe is.

  3. Ah , Bob , you are so kind , a true humanitarian , not only are you thinking of your people but also we South Africans , I dont know why the British cant see how kind and generous you are , Maybe they are just jealous of you or just greedy and want everything for themselves.

    Thank you , now i feel very safe knowing you are on our side...

  4. If South Africa takes any advice from you Uncle Bob they are sure to be doomed!

  5. The white people are trying to help you moron not take over. Get your head out of the clouds and stop believing what your leaders are telling you, its c**p!

    Mugabe: you are the devil incarnate and will burn in h**l.
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