
Zit/spot on upper eyelid?

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my mom has this spot on her upper eyelid she said when it first came which was about 6 days ago in the beginning it hurt her alot but now it don't what could it be? also it looks abit like a normal spot it has pus and it's semi small but it hangs down. any help is appreciated




  1. Is it right by the eyelash? I think thats called a stye. Its a little infection either of a gland at the edge of her eyelid or maybe where her eyelash grows?

    Try a very clean washcloth dipped in hot/warm water, not so hot that it burns her skin though. Put that on the eye for 10-15 mins a few times a day. That will open up the pore/bump and let the pus out.

    Also don't poke at it or touch it without washing hands really well, and no eye makeup till its gone.  

  2. yes Sty are very painful. It will go away but definitely DONT pop it. You have millions of bacteria on your fingers, and thereby transferring them into the eye when you mess around with it. Just let it be, or you can go see a doctor. I sure hope this helps. Sorry she has to be bothered with this.

  3. that is a styi and don't pop it will make worse I get them I peel a potato and put on it. it's a draws the pus out.

    they hurt if you keep messing with and your eye could swell

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