
Zodiac War!! open this or else you'll never know what i'm talking about! muah ha ha!?

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okay. sorry for that title..don't mind me

well, what i was talking about was, if each sign was divided into the teams below, which team would come out on top??(please don't tell me that this is an immature question simply because..i dont give a rat's hoot...thank you very much

team a:







team b:







and please state why the team you picked would win

thank you

*remember to mention wut ur sun/moon/rising is




  1. team a.

    i am sagittarius, and most signs in that team are smart :] and leaders. i don't know many of team b, and the ones i do... well i'm just rooting for team A.

    i don't know what a sun/moon rising is..?

  2. capricorn sun, capricorn rising, taurus moon.....

    Team B would win hands down.. my reasons???:

    team A would fight each other and not get along very well. scorpio leo and taurus are all fixed signs. the fixed signs are stubborn. they always believe their opinion or idea or way of putting things is the ONLY correct way. they know what they want and stick to it and can have trouble getting along in a group. usually they do best as their own boss and working independantly. they would all fight or steer the group in many directions continuously...

    in team A, cancer and capricorn would try to lead and would split the group with difference of opinion, one would subside, but then chaos would break out from the fixed signs not agreeing amongst themselves...

    Team B: pisces, virgo, and gemini are mutable signs. they would bend and sway to the commands of the groups leaders, which would be libra and aries and possibly aquarius.... libra and aries would pull in different directions but the steadfast aquarius would keep the peace between them and decide which one is right for each instance.... and would appoint and equal share of power amongst them.... the mutable signs would do whatever they are told and not question the authority even if they dont agree with them...

    therefore, team b would be more successful and would make it the farthest out of the 2 options

  3. Mom got you on time out again?

  4. I will stick with my Team A.

    I'm routing for them.

  5. hate to say this since i'm a gemini with libra rising and a libra moon..

    but team a's gotta win.  scoprios are vengeful and powerful. leos are strong and determined.  cancers are actually kinda wusses but they're a good cheerleader.  taurus and determined and fight to win/get what they want when they want it.  sag's are fierce.  andd.. i dont know much about cap's.. but thats it.

  6. I hear alot of mouth about those scorpios, im here to tell you that Gemini's work in incremints of two and they can hit you back twice as hard as a scorpio :)

    Team B wins: they have 3 out of 4 of the mutable signs, the mutable signs host duality and two heads are better than one.

    They outnumber team A, not to mention they dont have the leadership team B has.

  7. Team A without a doubt,its would win because it has Taurus brute force and wouldn't give up,Cancer would be loyal,Scorpio would always have a trick up his/her sleeve,Sagittarius would not go down with out a fight,and Capricorn would team up with Taurus,and Taurus and Leo are 2 powerful signs,so there ya go.

  8. I'd like to agree and say Team A, but it depends on what kind of thing are fighting for...

    See, because Gemini and Aquarius could just start a conversation and charm the other team while they are playing, pisces and libra could bat their eyes and look cute causing more distraction and stopping the others in their tracks, while virgo comes up with a good plan to work and aries takes everyone down! hahahaha

    EDIT: I say we test this theory.. hahah Anyone up for a fun game of something? (lol, since you didn't exactly specify what game it was we were playing..) Maybe Football would be fun. lol j/k

  9. I'm a Cancer with a Libra Moon and Virgo Rising

    I say team A will crush team B. Scorpio knows the game of revenge, you should never ever cross one lol. Even though Cancer is passive and prefers not to fight, if you back one in to a corner and intimidate them they will pull a complete 180 and will turn into your worst enemy. We'll pull all the stops, emotional and physical, to get you. Leo and Sagittarius? Fire signs dominate so two of them together will rule all. Taurus is stubborn as h**l and will never give up and Capricorn isn't as exacting as Virgo but they are extremely hard workers and wont quit.

    Team b (I mean no offense cause I have some amazing friends with all of the respective signs in the group) but the air signs are easy going and will probably think of amazing battle plans but they wont get them in to fruition cause the air signs like to run around everywhere free so keeping them committed will be tough. Pisces is too much of a day dreamer to do anything and Virgo (I wont say anything my girlfriend is a Virgo and she'll probably read this lol) The only one who poses a threat is Aries, they will not stop until they have the last say or win or whatever. :P

  10. The team that has outgrown diapers, successfully mastered puberty and doesn't still live at home with mommy and daddy.  

  11. Um...they'd both break down and make alliances with the "right" elements. Ok, like if this was survivor or real world or some ****, then there would be utter chaos. If we went by these sun signs alone, this is what the teams would be like:

    Team A: Scorpio and Capricorn may end up leading together, or they will be tugging to see who's the best. Capricorn and Taurus are stable strategists, but this will p**s off others like Sagittarius and Leo, who would just want to dive into the heart of the competition. Cancer is pretty crafty, but they too would want some control of the group being one, but they will get upset because it won't happen. They are pretty flat in planning and sticking to them. In the best possible case they will be a tough force because they have some strong mutable, fixed and cardinal. Start, flow, and stabilize.

    Team B: These are the more iffy people that will have the hardest time working together. The Aquarian and Libran may or may not be on the same planning page, The Virgo will want absolute order and control, and when this doesn't happen, there will be rage (if male) If female, the Virgo will be very laid back and calm, and will back away from things they have no control of. The Gemini will just be off on a whole different idea. Aries will be in control, or fight for it, and they are very strong headed and narrow minded. And dear Pisces will be the one in the background, down for whatever, but not interested in leading anything.

    You didn't say the game.

    And then you leave it up to a scenario where these people are EXACTLY a Taurus personality, or exactly a Pisces etc., when really, people have other natal influences.

    It will end in betrayal and defeat of BOTH teams

    Put water with earth and fire with air, and THEN we have some interesting game play. Each team will have advantages the other doesn't. And you will have a good amount of cardinal, mutable, and fixed that are IN SYNC to make things flow and progress.

    But fine: Team B because they have all their air in tact and they can work with Aries (and possibly with Virgo) and Pisces will follow along for the sake of the team, they will even sacrifice something for them.

    Edit: Team A because of the start flow stabilize thing I mentioned. Team B would actually argue more. My mistake. =)

  12. Definitely Team A

    Scorpio Sun

    Sag Rising

    Gemini Moon

  13. Team A, no doubt. Why? Because you've got two really really REALLY intuitive water signs, one is a Cardinal.  Also, you've got Capricorn who does very few things better than coming up with a game plan.   You've got Sag to make sure that everything is fair for the greater good, and you've got Leo to point out potential problems.

    Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius

    Team B has their strengths too, but there are a lot of followers and indecisives on that team. Not balanced.

  14. It is immature. I read this board everyday and I see you asking questions like this all the time.

    I think you are actually an astrology hater who is here for the sole purpose of creating tension and division on this section. You tell people to play nice, but yet you encourage name calling and spite.

  15. A, simply because most of them are fixed signs.  They have staying power.  Team B, the only fixed sign listed is Aquarius.

  16. Team A:

    Simply because My Zodiac Sign Is In There(Capricorn)and with Capricorn's organizational skills;which is the basis for any kind of war..we'd totally cream Team B. =D

    Capricorn Sun/Virgo Rising/Pisces Ascending

  17. Haahahaha I love this question team a all the way but can we trade the cancer for the aries hahaha then we would really kick some ***

  18. Team B, no doubt ;D

    Team B has all the air signs, 1 fire, 1 water, 1 earth.

    So we have the other team pinned when it comes to predicting their actions based on how each element thinks.

    But, they are missing air signs they don't know how they think ;D

    Air will come up with the clever stategies & keep it unpredictable.

    Aries will take direct action & lead us to victory...they just have the fire in them to bring us to the top.

    Virgo will logically think out & plan any flaws then make them perfect.  

    Pisces has intuition & they can slip us out of a jam, since they are so good at escaping ; )

    Plus, 3 mutable signs will just keep us even more unpredictable & changeable....the other team lacks that.

    Two cardinals that are about war & peace will make us shine & come up with a middle ground.

    One fixed sign will make it happen & finish it off.

    And, yeah my sign is on team B, of ;D ;D ;D



  19. aries (captin)

    gemini (play maker)

    libra (Defender) im assuming this Queen rache

    aquarius (Goal keeper)

    Vigro  (is good with speed)

    Pisces one Laowsy coach


    There you go Full structuer of zodiac signs in their right places

    So full package team

  20. team a the first 6 answers explain it all, lol, plus im a leo

  21. I am a : Capricorn-Sun   Pisces-Moon   Aquarius Rising.

    I think that Team A, has more STRONG and POWERFUL members!

    ~ Well Scorpios are good, they are imaginative and all that, which is  good.

    ~ Capricorn! ...whoa..don't talk about this sign, this sign is as loyal as it gets and it is the hardest worker of all the no doubt it will work hard to win.and it always gets what it wants!!.

    ~Taurus is also great, it is intuitive and works hard towards it's goals.

    ~I don't think Cancer will be of much help , because of their CARING and Fragile nature.

    ~Libra is a great sign to be with, it will contribute very much on the victory of the team, it has got all the strategies, well balanced and fair, Libra is the brain behind the team.

    ~AND FINALLY! the 2 FIRE Signs, both have high egos!! and boasting with Optimism and they are confident so they will go for it at once....

    Conclusion....Team A is the Victor!!

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