
Zodiac battles blah blah blah?

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i was reading some questions and it was saying that Taurus vs Scorpio,that Scorpio would win because of its poison or something,but where in the h**l does it say the Scorpio would have poison,maybe its a non poisonous,so now with that being said,who would win,Taurus or Scorpio,i say Taurus.




  1. ... I don't hold poison anywhere in my body. Except perhaps my liver after drinking, but no other poison whatsoever.

  2. The Aries Ram Can whoop the Taurus! lol but it might be equally matched. Horns vs Horns.

    Scorpio can kill the taurus and the ram with its poison, only if it doesn't get squashed first! lol;...

  3. i agree with rachstar. just speakin my mind.

    taurus could whoop scorpio. they say scorps are so sexual blah blah blah. yes they are very much sexual. but ever got layed by a taurus?? they are the ones that leave you bull-legged and unable to move at the end. lol. they're the big muscular guys you see doing one-handed push ups with 3 people on their back.

    taurus would win hands down. no competition

    cancer w/ aries rising

    edit: also...ever seen a taurean mad? they say scorps are short tempered so they would win..but that also means they use energy just getting mad over everything. taureans save their energy...wait..and BAM! ram you off like a real bull would.

    edit: to the people who call this, "immature"...c'mon and loosen up. u need some fun in ur life sometime. u guys take everything so seriously.

  4. Lol, Taurus would stomp the h*ll out of Scorpio.

    Meh..These zodiac battle things are silly. There is no better sign. The power each person has is in their own hands.  

  5. Deffinately Scorpio. Watch out for their fangs. I know some nasty scorpios.  

  6. Scorpio would win because they are stronger.

  7. It is immature, and the people who do it are not truly into the study of astrology charts and aspects.

    Some people come here for emotional validation that since their rising sign is blah blah blah, then they are the strongest of rising signs.  

  8. I think Aries would beat Taurus and Scorpio combined!

  9. Scorpio.  It has nothing to do with poison, or even stinging the Taurus. Scorpio sees whatever is coming at them well before the opponent even dreams it...they always have the advantage. Earth signs being grounded and not being the best judges of character on the planet, can easily get blind sided in a sneak attack.  The water element is excellent at "poker faces", and earth usually doesn't know what's about to come forth until it's happening.  

    Edit: I'm actually speaking from experience, not because I am a Scorpio moon.  I have been observing earth signs for a while and I have found that they can be side stepped by water signs.  Maybe you're a Taurus and don't like what I said.

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