
Zodiac question 1: What do you think is the smartest zodiac sign?

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Capricorn, libra etc that zodiac not chinese zodiac




  1. <p>&nbsp;I think Taurus is the most intelligent!</p>

  2.  I was told by an astrologer that Virgo is the smartest sign in the zodiac, with Gemini coming in second.  Both are ruled by Mercury.

  3.  AQUARIUS...definitely...(astrologers) we're living in the AQUARIAN age right now.. Most of the geniuses are born in this sign than any other sign..They invent and discover things that makes life easier..  they basically decide what the future will be because they can predict it.. something that other signs can't do. they know how to stop and listen.... can get wisdom out of thin air... analytical... they notice things that others don't... they can see through deception.. they are not biased in making decisions because they're emotionally detached with people... Yes... LIBRA is an air sign too but their nature is to please everybody..they will never tell the truth... all their decisions are ego-centered.. they don't want to offend people because they always want to be admired. GEMINIs (air sign)  are smart but are moody and indecisive... being tactless is their weakness as well.. ARIES people... loud-mouthed people.. they blab before they think.. They're leaders because they're controlling individuals....  TAURUS they tend to play safe and stick to the rules.. if you always do that.. how can you progress with your life? CANCERs are sensitive.. how can you be smart if you can't take criticisms? a smart person knows how to listen... VIRGOs are not smart.. yeah they may be achievers academically but they're just EFFORT people... test their reasoning skills.. ask them on the spot let's see if they can answer without relying on any book. CAPRICORNS... another EFFORT-people.. they're all talk... PISCES... insecure pisces... yeah Einstein is a pisces.... just by chance aside from him is there any other genius on this sign? Scorpio... Over-analyzing... paranoid for short.. LEOs... uhm..  you can be the most popular person if you want to and work in a diner for the rest of your life..

    They say Aquarians are crazy.. because they can't keep up with an aquarian mind..

    I'm a sagitarian... and i stick with aquarians because they're just born Genius...

  4. All 12 zodiacs are morons!!!  

  5. Leo, how you think they get so successful in life.

  6.  Objectively, the air signs are the most intelligent signs. Problem is, everyone here will just slam there sign down for pure recognition and self determined credibility. It's foolish to ask ask what sign is the smartest you could equal it to asking a bunch of random people who the best sports team in there favourite league. While you might have a few admirable people giving an honest answer, most people will be bias.



  7. Aquarius- all my aqua friends were on the honor list. Gemini- they have a big brain! Virgo- writers and has good logical thinking. Libra- social smart, they were good at intuition. 

  8. Aquarius - book smart, great at academics
    Gemini - street smart, they are freaky scary con artist smart
    Taurus - funny smart, remember stand up comedy is extremely difficult
    Scorpio - evil smart, the meanest, nastiest people I have met in my life
    Virgo - creative smart, excellent at arts and music
    Cancer - entertainment smart
    Sagittarius - manipulative smart
    Leo - s****. smart
    Aries - mean smart
    Capricorn - funny smart, great at comedy like Taurus
    Libra - smart at reading people from first glance


  9. scorpio

  10. you also got to see that there are different types of smart some are book smart but not street smart some are technical but not very practical some are well educated but not wise at all so you see we are all smart in our own way.

  11. all are very intelligent i respect all

  12. Whenever I hear this question asked, I never see Taurus as a possible sign to be up for smartest.  Actually quite a few times, I've seen that they are the dumbest.  Is this true?

  13. i like the sagittarius practical approach to dealing with things i like that they dont hold back but they do tend to suffer from foot in mouth disease, Aquarians are set in their belifes so its a challenge to present anything new into their lifes very stuborn indivisuals.geminis are very smart and versitle can change from one subject to the next with ease (wordsmiths) me myself i am a capricorn and no i dont always think im right but i do strive to be at my best i consider myself to be very smart and observant  I also have a very good sence of humor and no im not boring or depressed like it says im suppost to be some of the best comedians are capricorns jim carrey just to name one, every one is special in their own way

  14. It depends on the person believe me. People say that Gemini's and Aquarians are the smartest and yet I'm a Virgo and am the top in my whole year of year 8 and got all bands 9 and 8 in the nation wide tests. There's also the fact that two of my bestfriends are a Gemini and Aquarius and no offence to them but they are quite childish and brainless more than most of the time. I love them to bits but I have to teach them alot of what I've already learnt years before.... Anyway, as I said it's more about focusing on the indivduals and not their starsigns. Thank you having the time and patience to read this =D

  15. OHHHHHH!!! I hate these stupid questions. I have a gemini in my class, and a taraus, also a virgo. A lot of people judge it on what zodiac sign that they are, everyone is smart in their own way, I think that geminis are the school smartest, and I'm a virgo, but so what, maybe geminis are horrible at singing, or knowing what to do in a hard situation. I've heard libras are good readers, and virgos, express their feelings in writing, they are also very friendly but they always think they are right. For virgos, every thing needs to be perfect. Capricorns and cancers are very loyal and is very connected with family, they're really stubborn but, they make the perfect friend. Being gentle is great, it's how a pieces lives, also funny, probably has a lot of friends, thats a great qualities. Aires and Leos, can tend to always want to be the center of attention, but they are fun-loving, crazy (like me) and stubborn, a quality a lot of signs share. Every zodiac sign is special in its own way, there is no best one, I don't think that virgos are the best, just cause I'm one. Every one has there ups and downs but it all works out great

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