
Zodiac sign?

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im a Leo but act nothing like a leo what is that there a name for it?




  1. yes. it is called 'having a rising sign'. everyone has a rising sign and a sun sign, and also many other houses in their chart. they all shape and influence who you are and how you act.

    the sun sign is most important and the strongest influence. it is your soul, who you are, why you live, your inner self and your reason for being. leo lives for experience, they live to have fun and enjoy life. that is your soul and reason to exist: you exist to appreciate life and have fun and spread happiness.

    your rising sign is your outer self. the way you behave, the face you put on for the world around you. it is how others see you and is the 2nd most important and strong influences in your chart. your rising sign is how you go about fullfilling your sun signs desires.

    for example, (i am not saying you are, but if you were to....) if you were leo with a rising sign of a virgo, you would come off to others as being quiet, reserved, health conscious, money wise, and very flexible in personality. it would mean your soul drive of leo wants to be in the spotlight and be famous and have fun and enjoy life, but that your outer self, your rising sign has you go about it by keeping and immaculate image of being clean, orderly, healthy body, perfect skin, calm and easy going laid back attitude etc.

    think about it, if we all only had our sun signs it would be pretty easy to guess what our signs are. but the rising sign is very strong influence and makes it very difficult to just guess someones sign without knowing the inner them. that is also why people say 'you are different from how i first saw you, now your true colors have come out'. the sun sign peeks through the rising when we get close to others.

  2. I agree. It may make a difference in what is prominent in your chart. That may be the reason why you do feel like you don't act like a Leo. Good Luck.

  3. Astrology is not a proven science. There are instances where it is so accurate that it's scary. Other times it's not right at all.

    If your a strong believer in Astrology and you don't want to give up on it I would suggest getting a book, "The Secret Language of Birthdays." There are many kinds of each kind of Astrological symbol so if you look that up you can see if you match the one for your day.

    Also you may match the Leo description you just may have an objective opinion so you don't see it.

  4. its called a horoscope chart, your chart affects who you are and sometimes can override your sun sign. If you find out your personal chart you will recognise why you dont feel like a leo :)
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