
Zodiac signs: How would you react to this?

by Guest66927  |  earlier

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You have a person who hates you to a point of no return.You simply ignore him but he spots you in some public place and starts yelling at you in the peak of his voice(he apparently has no reason to shout but he accuses you of having done things you never even imagined to do).How would you react to this.

tell me your sun signs.

mars and mercury signs if you want.




  1. Sun: Cancer

    Mars: Taurus

    Mercury: Leo

    I'd just ignore him and try to blend in with the public.  

  2. I would resort to violence. i cant stand liars.

  3. The best reaction for a jack**s is being calm and confident

    Mercury : Scorpio

    Mars : Capricorn

  4. I probably have several people that hate me that much, but I don't know them personally. Usually people who dislike me that intensely don't know me at all and are only hating me for what I represent to them; ie, their father/mother/former lover/whatever.

    When dealing with open, violent hostility, my first instinct would be to back away and attempt to deal with the situation logically (Aquarius moon). If I was unable to work the situation down from the hostile level, my next instinct would be to back away and retreat until a solution could be discovered (Mars in Pisces).  All of my responses would be controlled (Mercury in Capricorn running the show there) and the least violent and damaging course of action would be pursued.

    I have had the advantage of being trained (by the military) to deal with crisis situations, and because of this, I don't always follow my instincts as much as fall back on my training. I guess this is an example of how training can condition the natural instincts inherent in the placements.

    So, if this situation you describe happens more than once, you could train yourself to respond in any manner you wish. The idea is to rehearse, rehearse, rehearse the way you WANT to respond to the situation, and that way you will naturally fall back on your training the next time he goes off...

    Or, you could turn a high pressure water hose on him...that would work too..-

    **I do think that Rach's way of laughing at the situation could be useful, but if the guy is really violent, this could backfire and enflame the situation. Violence of this kind is often irrational, and the person who best controls their temper and responses has the best chance of winning the confrontation.**


    yes, not very logical or problem-solving, but in a heated moment like that, i tend to blow up.(blame my aries ascendent).

    cancers sun

    gemini mars

    cancer mercury

    aries rising

    eventually, we'd keep fighting until one of us threw a punch. a bit immature in those moments, honestly.

  6. How would you react to this?

    Call the police!!!

  7. i'd be like muthafuka come here!! and beat da shiiit outa hueva that dik is, and i agree with pretty i hate liars, and i lso hate people humiliating me . . .

    sun in scorpio

    mecury in scorpio

    venus in scorpio

    pluto in scorpio

    ascendant in scorpio

    mars in gemini, in 8th

  8. Wow. What an annoying dude. Well...since the allegations are false, I'd get a manager or the nearest police officer and say: "I'm a friend of his and  he is off his meds." =]

    I am a scorpio woman!

  9. I would be very calm and non chalant and act like he wasn't there and look at him like he was crazy. And say "Who are you?" Sorry, you don't ring a bell. You must be mistaking me for someone else. If he still persisted I would just get in my car and leave. Call the cops if I needed to.

    Sun: Virgo

    Moon: Libra

    Rising: Mars

    Mars: Cancer

    Mercury: Leo

  10. Id join in the crowd,

    pretend he wasnt talking to me,

    and in my head Id be thinking why is he publically humiliating himself like this??,

    and Id be laughing so hard because the people standing around me probably think hes phsyco.

    talk about therapy.

    If I get lucky, I may even meet a new somebody and take them out for lunch right before I lured them back to my apartment where Id give them a few spiked iced teas and tell them it was from Long Island.

    Id convince them that they werent s**y so theyd be all over me trying to prove me wrong and then Id probably take pictures so I can post them on the internet later.

    I love Manhattan=D

    Im a Virgo.

  11. i'm a gemini.

    i would be like WOW WHAT THE h**l in my head. i'd yell something insulting back, and act like he's crazy and walk away.

  12. i would wait for about a minute, and then walk away, totalling ignoring the incident.

    Sunsign : Pisces

  13. I'm a virgo and I'd probably calmly try to find out a reason why he was acting the way he was but if he continued I'd probably shout at him until i got a decent answer from him.

  14. Huh? What's the point?

  15. I'd keep right on ignorning him and leave.

  16. "Hahaha..okay....So, where's the hidden camera crew at?"

  17. I am a Cancer. I will definitely give him a tight slap.  Worse still, a Cancerian is very sensitive.  Too, I will also take revenge. I will shout at him in the public and made him feel ashamed too.  

  18. I would be calm, maybe this person is psychologically disturbed and needs help. I would try to find out why he hated me and see what I could do to chill him out.


  19. I would tell the person that they have the wrong person who they are looking for.  

  20. I HATE  someone at this moment to no return.  I doubt that I will act upon it anytime soon, as that is not conducive to myself---but in the meantime, I will probably just try my very best to act like that person never existed, deny that I ever knew them, and put on the blankest of stares upon my face--upon seeing them in public (NO RECOGNIZATION EVEN IF I'M DYING ON THE INSIDE).

    Even if I hated someone, I would not act upon it in public, b/c that person never mattered enough to warrant a yelling from me (I think one time I burst out in tears in public once b/c I drank a little--I was so pathetic that evening--and I truly hope that person, enjoyed the moment--b/c it certainly won't be happening again).

    I would not seek revenge upon someone I hated that much--but wield that (very potent) energy to better myself and in time meet someone I can truly fall happily in love with--better, stronger, faster, bigger--b/c that will bring me more satisfaction than all else--and I know he/she will suffer (yes kiddies, there will be AGONY--round of applause *clap clap*) regardless.  I love it hehehehhe!!!!!

    mars: scorpio--conjunct pluto (I can suppress and master amazing amounts of hatred, at one time--it can't be healthy, but hey I'm still alive!!!!!  I'm better that way--more alive, more competitive, more myself.  I don't attribute it just to  the scorpio, but also to the fact that I've been through a lot of **** in life--that the avg human would not have survived--and if the previous yrs have not killed me then/yet, I doubt it will now.  B/C above all else--I am a survivor; I know myself pretty well even though I'm immature<--sounds g*y I know, destinay's child MUCHHHHHHH, anyway most people don't really know what that means anyway...............hehehehehhhehehehe)

    **I'd tell him, if he were really a man, then he would stop yelling at me, pick me up, throw me over his shoulders, take me somewhere "private", and have his way with me.......yes kiddies, whips, chains, bonds, and gags are permitted ; D

  21. I would ignore and get to a safe place as soon as possible. Then I would go to my local police station and ask to see an officer. I would explain the issue telling the officer the full name and adress of this person, I would also give them his work adress. Ask them if they can caution him or else find out what else they can advise you to do such as a barring order or asbo etc Be safe.

  22. I would probably laugh. I'd find the whole situation very amusing. I have had something similar happen before, and the fact that someone can hate you so much, and make such a fool out of themselves to prove it...Part of me would want to probably run and beat the c**p out of him, but then I'd realize that this is how he'd want me to react, and that belittling him and showing him what an irrational child he's being would be much more fun for me.

    Sun/Mercury/Mars all in Libra

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