
Zoloft and alcohol combination?

by  |  earlier

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I take a low dosage (25 mg.) of zoloft. I am going to college so of course i am going to be drinking, it makes me feel so amazing since i started taking zoloft. Are there any M.D's who would advise against this? It is currently in study, but are there any advanced studies advising against it? It is a different feeling, ecstatic and no longer a depressed drunk. A happy, cheerful and tranquil drunk. I'm just curious what this is doing to my body, i figured since the low dosage (of my choice, not my doctors) it would affect drinking less. I also take benedryl + meletonin + l thianine to help me get to sleep. I am not dependant on alcohol for anything except broaden my anxiety-less day.




  1. i live with people that take zoloft daily and drink and seem to be normal,

    i'm not sure of the dosage, but i think its quite high.

  2. Sounds like a real rock n' roll combination. All you need now is a fast car, a friend and a big tree.  

  3. Your going to loose your s*x drive....I did.....completely.

    I had to get off the Zoloft. At first I felt like you are describing, but eventually I felt nothing. And I mean Nothing.

    Be careful.....sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.

  4. personally..I wouldnt be drinking. You just never know what meds can react badly to booze. I read a story of a girl that took 2 valium and washed them down with half a cup of beer..she was in a coma for 20 something years and still hadnt woken up..her name was Karen someone..she was 17..and it was a huge waste of a life full of promises.

    Perhaps if you know your going to drink ( I know what its like to be young..saying no is mighty hard!!) you could skip that days medication? But please dont do that if its gonna have adverse affects..your better off being a non drinker if thats the case :P

  5. dont do it,it doesnt mix with alcohol  

  6. There are only moderate contradictions between alcohol and Zoloft.

    Zoloft may potentiate the effects of alcohol, so it is best to drink light to moderate amounts before you go on any heavy drinking binges. The fact that you're on a low dosage of 25 mg daily (200 mg being the maximum) reduces the risk even further.

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