
Zomg guys 4 real i need your help with my p***s problem PLEASE i'm desperate...?

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ok here's the basic gist...i'm a 12 year old boy who is whole life (as long as i can remmember) my p***s has had an odd color and when i pull back my f******n it hurts/stings/burns to touch....PLEASE HELP I WANT TO BE NORMAL!!!!!!!!! lol jk but i want a normal p***s lol




  1. The sensitivity is normal, especially for an uncut guy.  This will improve as you get older and bathe more effectively.

    As for the color, you're not very specific.  For all of us, including you, our genitals are darker than the rest of our bodies.  If you're talking about something else, you need to give us more details like what part and what color.

  2. go for circumcision, i am too circumcised

  3. talk to your parents and doctor

  4. Sorry wish I could help this is a new one on me.think you should ask your dad directly see if he knows maybe he has been thru it. but if your serious and he dosen't know it will allert him to take you to a professonal doctor luck. looking for answers my self. Lost my son of 26yrs in January haveing a hard time dealing with it. Talk to your Dad if not around an uncle or grandfather. they will think higher of you for trusting them with this. Lost in sorrow I miss him.  

  5. Consult a doctor and maybe consider getting it circumsise

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