
Zone of Cell Elongation?

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What is the zone of cell elongation? What part does it play in the vascular plant root function? Your answers are appreciated. Thanks.




  1. The zone o elongation is located below the meristematic zone of the root tip. The root tip is having a root cap covering the meristematic zone. This meristematic zone is in constant dividing phase. This adds new cells which are smaller in size. The upper cell layer keeps on dividing while the newly formed cells are pushed back and they enter into zone of elongation. They keep on elogating in length and add to the length of the root.  Below this zone is the zone of differentiation where the elongated cells get differentiated into tissues to whom different functions are assigned such as epidermis, cortex, phloem, xylem parenchyma etc.

  2. Zone of cell elongation is located near the apex ( Tip ) of an actively growing root .

    The Zone of Elongation

    Cells elongate up to ten times their original length

    This growth pushes the root further downward into the soil

    click on the links below for more information with images =

    From = A Botanist

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