
Zoology Questions & Answers

Zoology is a branch of biology which deals with the study of animal kingdom from different scientific point of views. It involves classification, naming, structural, and functional aspect of animal lives and describes each facet with thorough description. Animal sciences has evolved as one of the basic domain in life sciences which help in research and study of evolution, habits and habitats, taxonomy and systematic of existent, endangered and extinct animals, from unicellular to multi-cellular organization of life.

It is a major class of science which has a vast scope of implementation including terrestrial and aquatic wild life and its studies. Students, researchers and scientists from all over the world are interested to know more on the new and forth-coming research on the vast variety of animals present on the face of earth. Some people are naturally interested in animals and their behavioral patterns. This section entertains everyone related to zoological studies in a question and answer format. Zoology related questions are inquired by users and responded by expert Zoologists. You can contact an expert through e-mail for a quick answer, who will respond your query as it arrives in the queue. Mostly an instant response is presented, but there may be a need to hold-on at times.

If you are an animal sciences expert, Zoologist, and you have a significant understanding about Zoology, you can become an effective guide on this site. Check out the unanswered question section, find the inquiries you can supply best response to and assist people in finding solutions for their queries.

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