
Zooper Buddy jogging stroller with non-swiveling fron wheel - good or bad?

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I am thinking about buying a Zooper Buddy jogging stroller second hand. It's a great price but I am concerned about the front wheel not swiveling. It's supposed to be great for running but not as good for maneuverability in walking. Does anyone have a stroller like this one with the fron wheel that doesn't swivel? Was it really difficult to use for walking? Is there a conversion kit to put a different kind of wheel on the front? Thanks everyone!




  1. Jim Deak, have you found a conversion kit for this? I bought this used not realizing the front wheel doesn't swivel! :S

  2.  I am also looking for a conversion kit.  For running/jogging a fixed wheel is a lot more comfortable for your child, as well as easier to move with..  It does turn people, just not as easily.   If you ever jog any any terrain other than pave you def want a fixed wheel.   I used to have a swivel and jogging on any dirt surface was almost impossible!   But yes if out strolling it would be easier to "swivel"   But I don't find it as annoying as some of the others on here.    Plus what kid dosen't like to do the occasional wheelie?     

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