
Zorro vs the Three Musketeers?

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If Zorro had to go up against Porthos, Athos, Aramis, and Dartanyan, who would win? Zorro is taking them all on at once by the way. Would Zorro be able to beat each of them individually? In addition to being a "demon swordsman" do not forget that Zorro is also a "super acrobat." Personally I think the Musketeers would be in over their heads with Zorro, still though, any other opinions?

The timeline isn't wrong, you can take artistic liberties; the Three Musketeers takes places roughly 100 years before Zorro, so you could make the Zorro they encounter Diego De La Vega's grandpappy. Here is the plot of the, ah, "movie;" The story takes place as the novel "The Three Musketeers" ends, but before "Man in the Iron Mask."

Everything is calm and peaceful, and as you all who follow the story know, the Musketeers are sworn to defend France and the King, in that order. However, all is not well in paradise, as "rumors of a rufian who is a demon swordsman" reach the Musketeers ears. You could set it up, that the reason Zorro is in France, is because he tracked down some criminal group that was opressing the poor or something to France. However as in all scenarios were heroes encounter other heroes, there is a misunderstanding so naturally a fight has to take place, in which Zorro takes on all 4 Musketeers at once for the entertainment of the movie going audience.

Thoughts anyone? Wouldn't it be cool?

The movie COULD open with Catherine Zeta Jones ("Elena De La Vega"), reading a bedtime story to her son or something, and the whole movie could be a "bedtime story" about "the first Zorro" or something. Hey, stories are character driven and I think its high time Zorro crossed swords with the Musketeers. Just how I feel.




  1. It could happen - but I think you're forgetting an extremely important facet: that whole all for one, one for all thing. Zorro would have to take on ALL the Musketeers, not just those four.

    Other than that? It's a very good and original idea!

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