
Zucchini and squash in trouble

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My zucchini and squash are showing signs of stress. They did great and produced lots of vegetable but now the leaves are covered with a white dust and they are rotting on the stem. I was told to put lime stone on them. I am not sure if it is doing much. Any other advise? We did have some strong rains but not every day. I don't think it is due to over watering. I did cut out the damaged leaves.




  1. You never told us where you live, but it sounds like you have the dreaded squash borer. But then again, the summer zucchini and squash season is just about over for this year, and your problem may not be a problem at all, but the natural dieing off of the plant.

    To protect against the root borer don't plant next years' squash and zucchini until the middle of June. If you planted winter squash this year you should be see those plants thriving with tons of fruit that won't be ready till the end of next month. Depending on the zone you live in winter squash may be harvested into December.

  2. It could be powdery mildew.  I was going to add a reciepe for a home made spray, but I think you should read about this issue first.  Because I don't know what your plants really have, but I do think this is it.

    Try going to  Their pictures are not very good, but they do describe powdery mildew and give several different reciepes for taking care of it.

    Interesting about the lime, I use that in the soil before I plant tomatos.  It helps reduce the acid in the soil and tomatos.

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