
Zucchini plants?

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last year i planted zucchini near some eggplants and the eggplants never really took off.This yr i moved the zucchini near my tomatoes and now the tomatoes are very slow to grow.Is there something about zucchini plants that slow the growth of nearby plants?




  1. Could very well be.  We used to have tons of potato bugs until we started planting a row of rhutabaga's next to the potato plants.  Hardly seen a bug after several years of this.  My man transplanted rhubarb to near a pine tree.  It used to be wonderful rhubarb, now I can't use it, it seems horribly woody right from the start.

  2. Yes. They are not compatable. Tomatoes and eggplant are in the same family. (as are peppers...they are in the nightshade family..))

    Certain plants like to be planted near other plants...they actually help each other out some times. (like beans and corn...corn loves nitrogen...beans take nitrogen from the air and release in to the soil...the corn uses the nitrogen...)

    Squash, gourds, watermelons, cukes, are all from the same family (they are all cucurbits) and are better off planted near corn.

    Next time, plant the squash near your corn...put carrots or lettuce near the tomatoes....
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