
Zumdahl Question regarding ?

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a. the atoms can broken down into smaller parts. what are these smaller parts.

b. how are atoms of hydrogen identical to each other and how can they be different from each other?

c. how are atoms of hydrogen different from atoms of helium? How can H atoms be similar to He atoms?

d. How is water different from hydrogen peroxide even though both compounds are composed of only hydrogen and oxygen?

e. what happens in a chemical reaction and why is mass conserved in a chemical reaction?

**I need the answer to these individually, because neither the book nor the internet is giving me a straight answer.




  1. a. the atoms can broken down into smaller parts. what are these smaller parts.

    protons, neutrons & electrons


    b. how are atoms of hydrogen identical to each other and how can they be different from each other?

    all of the atoms of hydrogen have the same atomic number, therfore they have number of protons & electrons


    c. how are atoms of hydrogen different from atoms of helium?

    Hydrogen has the atomic # 1, so each atom has 1 proton & 1 electron

    Helium has the atomic #2 , so each atom has 2 protons & 2 electrons


    How can H atoms be similar to He atoms?

    they can have the same # of neutrons:

    Helium-4 has 2 neutrons, Hydrogen -3 has 2 neutrons

    they can have the same atomic mass:

    Helium-3 & Hydrogen-3 both have an atomic mass of 3


    d. How is water different from hydrogen peroxide even though both compounds are composed of only hydrogen and oxygen?

    H2O2 shows hydrogen peroxide has a different ratio of Hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms in a molecule , compared to water's H2O


    e. what happens in a chemical reaction and why is mass conserved in a chemical reaction?

    in a chemical reaction you make different arrangement or ratio of materials, but you do not destroy the mass of the materials

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