
Zyrtec vs. Claritin?

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I have been using Claritin for years to help relive my itchy red eyes, and my nose. It works great but I have been seeing all Zyrtec commercials saying it works better, does it?




  1. i've been on both and the claritin didnt help me even half as much as the zyrtec. same for my mom and my husband as well.

    mine were the perscription ones though, i dont know if over the counter ones would be any different

  2. Having used both (Claritin before it went over the counter, and Zyrtec before it went over the counter, and also prescription Allegra), Zyrtec clearly works better for me.   Clartin was effective for about two months for me, and then it just stopped working.   I've been taking Zyrtec for almost two years, and I can tell a big difference if I miss a dose.  

  3. In my case, NO. Even though it says it has all the same ingredients, I tried Zyrtec and it was like a placebo. My itchy eyes and stuffy nose came back, and I couldn't wait to get to the drug store for my Claritin!

    A few times when my Claritin ran out I tried to use the Zyrtec as a back-up and I had the same bad results.

    That's just my own experience, but I prefer Claritin.

  4. Claritin is the best, at least for me.  I've tried both.  It may be different for other people though.

  5. I prefer Zyrtec over Claritin, because Claritin didn't do anything for me.  It all varies by person, so you might just want to get one of those 5 pill packs at the store and try it to see how well it does for you.

  6. It's all about what works for you.  I have horrible allergies.  I've tried Claritin and it used to work for me if I was just having upper respiratory stuff going on but now I've developed serious issues with hives and the Claritin doesn't cut it.  Zyrtec seems to work better for me now and it kicks in faster.  I loved Claritin because I didn't feel like I was on anything.  Zyrtec doesn't seem to make me very drowsy either.  The way I look at it is if Claritin has been working for you for years then stick with it.  If it ain't broke don't fix it!

  7. try Zyrtec and follow up with your doctor.

  8. I like Zyrtec- it seems to dry up my sneezing and watery eyes pretty fast.  Also, some allergy medicines make me drowsy- even if they're non-drowsy formulas, and Zyrtec doesn't seem to give me any issues.  Granted, I've only taken Claritin a few times, but I take Zyrtec about 3 times a month.

  9. im claritin clear jk i used to use zyrtec but now i use duradryle or how ever you spell itids say it was ok but i was to little to remember

  10. Claritin works the best for me!

  11. Zyrtec sucks.

    I have tried them all for hives and Claritin is #1.

    No side effects and it works the best.

  12. my dad is allergic to everything.  seriously, everything.  even grass.  regular grass. and he develops more allergies as he gets older.  only thing he trusts - drixoral.  it was a prescription at one time, but went OTC before commercials for prescription drugs were allowed, so it's not well-known.  you may have to get it from the pharmacy, depending on what state you live in (it still has pseudoephedrine, which is under restricted sale in oklahoma), but it's totally worth it.  it will NOT knock you out, as a matter of fact it keeps us all wide awake.  it's a 12 hour pill, and believe me, it works for every second of 12 hours.  my dad takes 2 a day and he's able to go outside and walk around or stay inside and clean - two things that used to leave him completely stuffed up and puffy eyed pretty much nonstop.  my dad was always sick when i was growing up, drixoral really changed that (once he finally found it).  and i think it's cheaper than the two you asked about, so it won't cost much to give it a try.

  13. Be Claritin clear.
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