
._. I'm going to Middle School this year, and I'm so scared.?

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I've gone to a school of 200 kids Kindergarten-Sixth Grade.

Now I have to go to a different school for middle school of 800 kids.

I only hear bad things about this school.

Kids beat kids up.

One time a kid broke his teacher's nose for no reason.

I can't open a locker to save my life,

and your not allowede to carry around a backpack.

You also have to share a locker with someone you don't know.

You can't choose.

I want to go to this charter school I got accepted into but my parents are having second thoughts.


"You wont have any of your friends, and you get a lot of homework."

And I said I didn't care.

And they kept blabbing on and on about why I shouldn't.

But I'm scared of that Public school.

What should I say to them to let me go? ._.




  1. ya girl, poor people suck.

  2. girl you will be fine.

    im a highschool junior so trust me i have a LOT of experience.

    i still have issues with lockers. i dont even use mine, i just carry all my stuff around with me.  but honestly your friends will help you out with that.  its pretty simple once you get the hang of it.

    in middle school there really is no physical violence, its rediculous how much adult supervision there is.  and the story about the kid breaking the teachers nose is probably untrue because i had the same story going around my school when i was in middle school.

    i really hope this helped.

  3. Ok i will help. I am in middle school 7th grade. I am in a public school and no one physically beats up someone and if they do there weak and they probably slap each other. For your locker i had no clue how to do it either but my teachers and friends taught me. You just gotta practice. Although we didn't have to share lockers. In my middle school we cant carry backpacks around either. Just carry em no biggy. Anyway my points is public school isn't that bad. Dont stress.

  4. tell them it would make a difference in my grades if i went! i was in the exact same sittuation! ok i would def. go to the charter school! its worth it you will make new friends! ok i hope i helped ! good luck!

  5. im in 8th grade and there is nothing wrong with the school i go to. You should be fine. Good luck

  6. If your School has the program Jump Start Middle School definetly go. It helps so much. I just went to mine today. It is such a valuable recourse.

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