I've gone to a school of 200 kids Kindergarten-Sixth Grade.
Now I have to go to a different school for middle school of 800 kids.
I only hear bad things about this school.
Kids beat kids up.
One time a kid broke his teacher's nose for no reason.
I can't open a locker to save my life,
and your not allowede to carry around a backpack.
You also have to share a locker with someone you don't know.
You can't choose.
I want to go to this charter school I got accepted into but my parents are having second thoughts.
"You wont have any of your friends, and you get a lot of homework."
And I said I didn't care.
And they kept blabbing on and on about why I shouldn't.
But I'm scared of that Public school.
What should I say to them to let me go? ._.