
~_** pLeAsE hElP **_~...............

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I have a tooth that hurts like every other day (I need a root canal) .... now does this hurt ????? I have been taking a ibrprofen 800 mg everyday for like 2 months _ ohhh and thats another question that I have ( is that bad for u to take a ibrprofen 800 mg everyday untill I get the root canal done ) >?????? well is it gonna hurt .... like my tooth has like the big black whole on the top and like it hurt every other day >>>>> is it gonna hurt for a root canal ---- I think that it is my molar tooth ?????????????




  1. The root canal is relatively a simple procedure with little or no discomfort involved. This process will not only fixes your teeth at best it bestows you with a beautiful smile!

    And for the other question taking ibroprofen 800 mg everyday is not at all good idea, as it has side effects. So stop taking that, go for root canal treatment as soon as posible. Its not going to hurt. GO ahead happily!!!

    For more info on root canal treatment and any other dental issue, use this link it will help with its rich updates and information on dental care.

  2. You are most likely hurting because you have a raging infection. You need to have this tooth taken care of as is can cause much more severe damage to the bone surrounding the tooth. Until you get this taken care of by a root canal or having the tooth out (extraction) your body is dealing with a bad infection. If the abscess gets severe enough it can eventually cause death (see below).

    Boy's Death Fuels Drives to Fund Dental Aid to Poor

    By Mary Otto

    Washington Post Staff Writer

    Saturday, March 3, 2007; Page B01

    The death of a Prince George's County boy this week from an infection that started with an abscessed tooth has spurred lawmakers to demand better dental care for poor children and has prompted a deluge of calls to local dentists for advice and appointments.

    Deamonte Driver, a 12-year-old homeless child, died Sunday in a District hospital after an infection from a molar spread to his brain

    Ok, that being said...a dentist may be able to give you a prescription for antibiotics to knock down the infection and then anesthesia to make you comfortable during treatment.

    Sorry to be so stern, but it won't get better, it will only get worse.

    Hope that helps!

    JAMRDH - a dental hygienist

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