
? about boy dogs lifting their leg to pee???

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So my husband recently informed me that Loki lifts his leg to pee all the time now. Funny thing is...he's never once done it in front of me. Is that a coincidence, or is there a reason why he's not lifting front of me? ~confused doggy mommy




  1. I'm not sure about that one, does he go to the toilet in front of you and just doesn't lift his leg?

  2. Meh, just delete the whole thing. :)

    Seconded Judge! That girl is funny.

    Oh I have no idea!!! :) Too much Diet Coke in my blood at the mo.... *flumps on floor*

  3. Often dogs will demonstrate dominant behavior (lifting leg to pee, paw marking/kicking feet) if they feel they have something to prove. Other dogs lift their leg just because they need to pee and maybe it's a coincidence he doesn't do it around you. It shouldn't be an issue unless there are other dominant behaviors... I had a female who used to mount and lift her leg, once she peed on another dogs head...

  4. I have a male Siberian husky/German Sheppard mix, who will be a year old in September and is also named LOKI, and the only time he has hiked his leg to pee was when he was trying to pee on my dad when he came to my home for a visit!!!  Our silly silly Loki puppies.  I have asked the vet and he said that lifting their legs is actually a learned behavior and that since he is only around a female dog he hasn't learned to do it....But who knows!

    Haha!  Maybe your husband is out there lifting his leg with him as well....Seems like something maybe a man would do, secret bonding....Yup I could see my boyfriend out there trying to convince Loki to be more manly.....My Loki was also a shelter puppy, and was neutered at a young age, I wonder if that causes it as well!!

  5. My Dobermann b*tch Tori lifts her leg to pee when she goes to the nature reserve. I have never seen that in a b*tch before.

    A male Dobe of mine used to hate "getting busy" if someone could see him, Beau would run off and hide for some privacy.  

  6. Maybe you're not special enough.

    Or he's just sharing a special man moment. :)

    Probably just a coincidence. He should start lifting for you as well right about now. Maybe if you walk him somewhere new so he just HAS to mark his territory, he'll let you in on the secret.  

  7. Eli still pees like a girlie boy, too. Chad wouldn't know how he pees. He never walks him.

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