
...about the Twilight books?

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Are they any good? I really liked Harry Potter and I heard alot of Harry Potter fans talking about Twilight alot recently... so basically I want to know if it's good, what it's about (briefly) and is it a series (and if it is are there cliffhangers and info that is important for the next books, etc.)? Thanks.




  1. i loved all three they're great nd i heard there is a fourth one i have to read. and i want 2 see the movie coming out in november or december

  2. Twilight books are AMAZING. i can't even explain how great they are.

    it's basically a story about a girl, Bella,  who moved to a town called Forks, and meets this guy at her school who is stunningly beautiful...Edward. At first he seems repulsed by her, but their relationship changes after a while... it's just an amazing book...i don't want to give too much away.

    it is a series of 4

    the last book just came out a couple weeks ago

    Twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn are the books

    I REALLY recommend reading these books!!!!!

  3. ok so listen up after the first book you'll be hooked because this book will leave you askin for more about bella and edward. i'm readin eclipse right now and i'm on way to reading breaking dawn. it's so good the relationship is intense, everything about the book is just amazing. if you love vampirs who are good looking and love stories too then i suggest you try reading it!

    i also hear that twilight the movie is coming out on december 12, 2008 so if you're interested in watching the movie go ahead and read the book!

  4. I LOVED the twilight series. I think they're really different from the Harry Potter series... I personally liked the Harry Potter series A LOT more, but Twilight really appealed to girls because it's a kind of a romance novel. Basically about a girl who falls in love with a vampire and has a bunch of things she has to go through and problems because he is a vampire. The first time I read twilight I completely fell in love with Edward as many other teenage girls did, but when i reread the the book, it didn't seem as good. Overall, I'd say the series is an enjoyable read... but the author kind of drags things on unnecessarily. The storyline is pretty good/fun, I would definitely recommend reading it if you liked the Harry Potter series (but if you're a guy I don't think it'd really appeal to you).

    Oh, and also it's pretty important for you to read the previous books in order to get the entire storyline... I personally think the first book was the best and gives the most information. I hated the 2nd book only because it made me so mad/sad in the beginning, and the 3rd book was alright. The last and final book of the series that recently came out was okay, I liked it though.

  5. Twilight is amazing =)

    As long as you like a good love story, and who doesn't?

    It's about a vampire and a human girl. Most people stop at the word vampire, and i had my doubts too, but you're almost guaranteed to get hooked as early as the first chapter!

    It is a series and there are four books, the last of which just came out early August. I don't want to give too much away but I'm almost 100% sure you won't be disappointed.

    Hope this helps to convince you! =P=P


  6. Well, if you love well-written books without horrible, over-used cliches...No, stay as far away from them as possible. They are repulsively written and give a bad name to literature. They're made for angsty 13-year-old girls in the suburbs, and should be avoided by everyone else.

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