
(adults only please) why is a womans?

by Guest66035  |  earlier

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clitoris located outside the v****a? if you believe in evolution then it stands to reason that there is some benefit to the species. any theories?




  1. I take it for granted that as men and women start the same and only change after so many weeks gestation that the clitoris would of developed in to the p***s which would be why the clitoris is so sensitive and you wee from that area

  2. two fold:  firstly to avoid pain/injury to the region.  secondly to promote enjoyment in copulation.

  3. This is more a matter of biology than anthropology, but I will try to answer.  Men and women come from the same initial parts.  What are overies in the female drop and beome testes in the male.  The part that becomes the clitolris on a woman is the same part that forms part of the p***s in males.

    The location of the clitoris does not have a significant impact on the survival of the species, so there was no reason for one to have been 'favored' (i.e. one to have survived while the other group dies off).  That being said, there is some minor variation in the distance of the clitoris from the vigina;  maybe it will change in a few thousand more years.

  4. Its their to produce sexual stimulation. The nerve endings are very sensitive there so stimulating it actively promotes sexual activity in the brain. Its a trigger for s*x and ignition if you will.

    Although the clitoris is hormonal sensitive woman who take steroids get an enlarged C**t I still think its their for sexual stimulation. Men are products of woman meaning we are all female before testosterone exposure in the womb before birth. But the s*x is really pre determined before the sperm enters the egg. A man with high testosterone exposure in the womb gets a masculine brain. And vice versa for female hence tomboys. So without rambling on further the female is attracted to the male they begin s*x the clitoris is stimulated thus making the brain go haywire with hormonal receptors.

    This lubricates The v****a ensuring optimal mating conditions

    and survival of the species.

  5. What's a clitoris?

  6. Well, as far as I understand it, the male and female foetus share the same characteristics up to a point. There's the same blueprint  so to speak , then hormones make the male and female develop differently.

  7. Women were made to recieve sexual stimulation beyond that of p***s involvement.

  8. It is located on the outside to help stimulate the vaginal lubrication that facilitates penetration. It also has the evolutionary benefit of inducing the female to allow the male to complete mating.

  9. Evolutionarily, things don't necessarily have to benefit the species in order to be; they just need to not kill a significant percentage of the population before it procreates.  This is why humans still have appendices, wisdom teeth, and a spinal cord that is well-suited to four-legged creatures but dooms a lot of us to injury and back pain.  These things are annoyances, and a ruptured appendix will kill you if not treated, but it just doesn't affect procreation in any appreciable way.

    So that's one theory of what's up with the clitoris.  The idea is that you need a clitoris to get a p***s, since we all start as female in the womb and the genitalia is just rearranged to get a boy.  Then, when we began to walk upright, female sexual organs got really shifted around so that we could still actually birth babies.  Sucks to be a woman in that respect, but since women don't need to o****m in order to get pregnant, there was no real need for that to change.

    That theory was obviously thought up by men.  Some do think that the placement of the clitoris is to a woman's advantage.  For instance, the kind of guy who actually takes the time to figure out how to make you come, even though it doesn't benefit his sexual pleasure, probably has the sort of personality traits you want in a partner who'll help you raise your kids, like generosity, empathy, and lack of selfishness.  Sounds right to me.

  10. The clitoris is a vestigal p***s and the s*****m is a vestigal uvulva. Same prototype plans different model.

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