
...and in the end, the love you make, is equal to the love you take (Goodbye Everyone, please read on)...?

by  |  earlier

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After nearly two years of fun, laughs, tears, and insight, I have decided to move on and leave this forum. My life has been a ball of chaos the past several months, with sadness and personal problems (family and relationships with friends) that really need to be worked on in order to maintain a proper balance in my world.

As I have always maintained, I have made some wonderful friends here, and I will never forget that. I will never forget the outstanding hockey discussions, and of course, the overwhelming support I received in the wake of my grandfather's death three months ago.

Personally, I would like to thank all the regulars here (and there are so many of you...don't feel slighted if I left your names out) for making me feel at home. I would also like to thank those who are not regulars, but maintain a good rapport with the group. I will miss each and every one of you all.

Please do not be a stranger and email me whenever you can. Of course, like a certain Hall Of Fame center I idolized for so long, I will never close the door on a possible return. ;)

Hockey question: which is a proper way for a hockey player to say goodbye: press conference or simple press release?




  1. Take care Snoop.

    Simple press release.

  2. I wish you the best! Everyone will miss you! I hope you come around to visit! There is no escaping the hockey section!

    hockey question: I think a press conference is the best way. I think its more personal. Fans come to love these players and even if this sounds corny, i would want a goodbye. I cheered for them countless times, at least they could do is say goodbye.  

  3. I hope you come back soon, but I understand that you need some time away from the crazy lunatics that are the Hockey Section :)  We're all gonna miss you, and I hope everything works out for you.  Best of luck in your time off.

    A press conference, so he can tell all his fans how he feels and to thank them for their support in all his years.

  4. Snoop:

    Take Care!!!

    Come back one day please?


  5. Peace out man, lots of love from me and everyone else here in the hockey section.

  6. Snoopers......I truly love you like a brother.......*cough*....a naughty brother that doesn't keep in touch like he should.  I miss the old days, and you are the question GOD of this section.  I will miss you and I hope that this section straightens out, so that you come back through that door.  

    I am here for you if you need me.  

  7. Hey Snoop,

    I will truly miss you. You were probably the first person to make me feel welcome when I came on last October.  I wish you all the best and hope your life becomes more peaceful in the future.  Take care.

    Hockey question: Press conference. The only problem is that they don't find out their done until the team issues the press release or from a reporter.

  8. Well,'s been fun. :)

    It's been fun. We'll keep the lights on for you just in case you stumble back this way.

    Take care of your self! And I wish you good luck with working out everything!

  9. And another regular leaves, leaving the Ohioans outnumbered to the number of Pennsylvanians here. Take care my friend, and thank you for everything you have done.

    Hockey Answer - The best way to make a goodbye is to not say anything at all.

  10. Snoop, man, not you too :( Sorry to see you leave, I really hope everything works out for you though, best of luck!

    I definitely hope to see you again sometime during the season, I'll keep in touch.

    Hockey question: Simple press release.

  11. Don't be a stranger...I'll myspace stalk you anyway, there's no escaping Freckles!

  12. I now have this song in my head .~~Snoooooopy Snoooopy come home Snoopy come home come home~~~

    The forum reminds me of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest inw it's insane here  We'll miss you, but you can always come home.

    Email me anytime.

    Press release and a big party w/the team and fans on your last day.

  13. I'm sorry to hear you go, you were great on here and we'll miss you.

    Either one is fine as long as they let you know how they feel but I prefer press conference.

  14. Can I have a hug before you go?

  15. aww =(

  16. snoop... you will be missed!!

  17. Snoop my friend. I will miss you on here. But you know where I am if you ever need me for anything. I will miss your questions for sure.

    Hockey answer: Always a press conference. You must say a proper goodbye to all.  

  18. Happy trails, compadre!  You will be missed.

  19. :'(

    Im heartbroken, your a great person & a great friend, and a loyal Penguins fan, I wish you the best, God Bless! <3

  20. Snoop, I wish you the best of luck! It is always sad to see someone go even if they say they'll be back soon. I'm sorry about your grandfather =(

    You'll be missed here! I hope you come back some day =)

  21. conference and bye bye

  22. Just admit it, the out of category questions really took their toll on you.  Come back soon!

  23. Awww bye!! I think they should start with a press release and see how it goes from there. If it needs to be a big deal, then have the press conference. Good luck with everything!!!

  24. Snooper! You are awesome! Take care and I hope that all goes well for you!

    Come back and VISIT!!

    -Teal Town USA

  25. Take care Snoop. You'll always been in my prayers, man.

  26. Au revoir, Snoop. I hope everything turns out fine for you. Make sure to come back and say hello every once in a while.

    Hockey answer: If I were a hockey player and I decided to leave, I would have a press conference to get all of the questions out of the way.

  27. awe. i know we didn't really talk that much, but i'll miss you :) & i hope you come back and visit or have that 'possible return' come soon <3

    question: if you're a backup goalie, i don't think you should make a big deal about it. but if you're a well-known player in the NHL or on your team, a press conference should be a big possibility.  

  28. We'll miss you Snoop. Take care and best wishes.  Bye

  29. Snoop, words cannot describe how greatly you will be missed.

    The exit of a hockey player as well-respected and beloved as you are around here, requires a press conference.

  30. Goodbye and good luck in the future, visit us from time to time though.

    Question: It depends on their personal opinion, whatever they want to do although I would prefer a simple press release.

  31. gonna miss ya snoop the section wont be the same without you

    depends on the player if its a guy like mario or gretz or somebody like that i'd say press conference but a simple press release should be used for the less how do i put it, skilled or somthinglike that haha or the fighters say mathew barnaby lol

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