
..another 'am I pregnant' question. =P?

by Guest33214  |  earlier

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A little background.. I have a 19 month old who I had an extremely easy and normal pregnancy with.. As soon as I got pregnant I got very obvious signs of pregnancy very early. Since then, I have had very consistant periods.

The 13th of July my boyfriend may have gotten some on me, so I was suspecting pregnancy. I started to get some symptoms like fatigue, sore b*****s, but then on the 30th I got my period. It was heavy enough to call a period, but it was 10 days late a just a little different from my usual period. Since then we have had another incident that gave me a scare, so I've been waiting.. Around the 17th I had a few days where I had very light brown.. something. The first few days I saw it, but the last few I only knew about it because it was on my boyfriend after we had s*x. I had no pain or anything with it and we have only been sleep with one another for the last half a year.. So I'm ruling out STDs. Well, just this past Monday I had him pick up a test which came back negative (though I took it at about 7 o'clock at night).

So, I'm wondering if either my cycle somehow got interupted and changed to the 30th, or if I could be pregnant.. I've had gas some days almost like I did when I was pregnant before, but not quite as bad.. Of course it was almost three years ago so maybe it was like this.. My b*****s are sore, I think? But I might just be imagining that part.

I am planning on taking another test if I don't get my period by the 1st or 2nd, but until then I'd love if you girls would just give me your opinions.

Also, I won't be disappointed if I am, but my boyfriend deploys to El Sal until January and then next August deploys to Afghanistan for nine months so the timing isn't the best!!!!




  1. well you could be. the spotting you had was likely implantation bleeding. take a test first thing in the morning in about a week. i know it sucks to wait but you can keep buying test and taking them if you like. good luck!

  2. well i would say that a heavy bleeding is not implantation, that would be more period like but, the brown stuff could be leftover from after your period(especialy if you use tampons) and i would wait a week or 2 then take a test but if you want to know now you could go take a blood test. i remember with my 2nd i was late then i had a very heavy period then the next month fount out i was pregnant! so i could have been pregnant then or got pregnant right after that, i dont know~ good luck  

  3. Every pregnancy is different, so you could be feeling symptoms to varying degrees than you felt them with your earlier pregnancy.

    I'd take another test in a few days, this time first thing in the morning.  If it comes back negative and you still don't feel right, call your doctor and get a blood test.

    Also, your doctor should be able to help you figure out what kind of birth control will work for you, it sounds like you guys are having a hard time being consistent or safe with whatever methods you're using (or not using!!) now.

    Good luck.

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