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what's the difference betwwen:

1) I am meeting Tim tomorrow.

2) I am going to meet Tim tomorrow.

P.S i'm studying english but sometimes grammar books are not very exhaustive




  1. hi mulligan :)

    how are you?

    hope everythin's fine...

    there's not much difference, endeed... the only one is that the second phrase sounds more like something you already planned, and like something you are going to do anyway.

    hope to have been exaustive to you :)



  2. They mean the same, said differently....As a footnote,in your P.S it should read "grammar books are very exhaustive" exclude the 'not' as it then means they not very tiresome but we all understood what you meant, just trying to help further!

  3. As the others said, they mean the same thing. However, I think the second one is more informal. If you were writing an academic paper, for example, you would omit "going."

  4. theres no diff they want u to probably pick the im metting tim tommaroww cuz there tryin to tell u the other one is to uneccaserily long

  5. I am not an expert on English grammer, but am English born and bred.

    Personally, I think that 1) mixes tenses.

    "meeting" is present tense, but rest of the sentence is talking about the future.

    2) is more correct, but should really have the word "with" between "meet" and "tomorrow".

    Hope this helps.

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