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question no: 1......what will happen if i put a plant in a CO2 lacking jar....and place the jar in the sun....????

question no: 2 ...why does a leaf turn brown( in a tree and on the ground) what happens to the green chlorophyll




  1. The plant won't suffocate in a jar without CO2, just won't grow, because it won't be able to fix carbon by photosynthesis. If the jar was in darkness, the CO2 level would increase because plants respire, the same as animals do, but in sunlight the small amount of CO2 released by respiration is immediately diverted to photosynthesis.

  2. 1. That's ridiculous. How can you place anything in the Sun?

    2. Obviously the chlorophyll has de-colorated.

  3. Since photosynthesis takes in light, CO2, and water, and puts out oxygen and sugar, it requires CO2.  So basically it will slowly starve.

    As for the browning, that depends.  If the dying takes place over time, on the plant, the chlorophyl gets moved out of the leaf and stored elsewhere so as not to waste it, causing the leaf to lose it's greenness. If a healthy leaf is disconnected from the tree, it doesn't lose as much of the greenness, and just dries out.

  4. im with the other guy how you going to put a plant in the sun? the plant in pure oxygen will suffocate ,the same as you would in pure co2. leaves turn brown as the result of decay ,any chlorophyll in the leaf are consumed by the bacteria,and oxidation ,mushrooms that don't produce chlorophyll use the sugars produced by green plants to grow and reproduce........tom  

  5. The lack of carbon dioxide will result into starving the plant. The growth will be retarded.

    Green pigment getsdecoloured.  

  6. 1.  Given the heat of the sun, the jar and plant would have evaporated long before you ever got it close enough to put it in the sun.  But, for the sake of your question, let's say you put a plant in a jar without carbon dioxide here on earth.  The plant will not be able to go through photosynthesis and will die from the stem out.

    2.  The color change of a leaf occurs when chlorophyll dies.  When a leaf is growing and healthy, it has many colors of pigments in it, but green is the predominant color you see because the of the placement of the chloroplasts.  When the chloroplasts die from lack of nutrients or in fall, you see the other pigments like carotenoids.  As the leaf continues to die, these pigments degrade also.  The resulting brown leaf is simply organic matter that lacks living tissue and is just made up of dead cells.

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