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how much do you charge for baby sitting?. (per hour)


how much does the baby sitter charge you?




  1. When I used to baby sit, I wuld charge anywhere from 3 an hour to 10 an hour, depending on who it was. Just make a price on whether the kids are good, the family is rich, how long you have to do it, etc.

  2. im certified so i ussually carge 10-15

    however if u arent 8 or 9

  3. For a whole week $80 for 10 hours $40 or $50

  4. $5 and hour. but some families that i have sat for for a long time pay me more.

    Lauren <3

  5. geez get a older brother or sister to babysit the younger one for free

  6. I am Red Cross Certified so I charge 5 dollars an hour for 1 kid. 8 for 2, 10 for 3, 12 for four, and so on. BUT I wouldn't recommend babysitting more than 3 or 4 kids at once, especially if any of them are infants, because then it can get out of hand. If you are not certified, then you should charge a bit less, like 1 dollar less because you don't have all the first aid and emergency training and such. so I would advise taking a red cross class, because then you can make more money and parents feel better leaving you in charge. Also, once you have more experience, you can charge more, too. OH and i would suggest charging more after midnight, and like a dollar more per hour if the parents are home later then they said they would be because like you might have other plans or something and they should come back when they said they would. that enforces the rule (charging more).

    So: take a class, charge more after midnight and when the parents are home late, and charge $5 for one kid, $8 for two, $10 for 3, and $12 for four. but you shouldn't go over 4.

    hope this helps!

  7. uhh, i get paid like 5 an hour.. then 10 after midnight.

  8. i would do 3:.00$ per hour, per child.

  9. depending if the person is wealthy r not wealthy 7-9 not 6 0r 7

    or 2.50-3.00 per kid

  10. Never babysat.

    probably like $5-10 an hour.

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