
best jobs for housewives

by dude  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Technology made it easy that housewives can work from home easily. The best jobs for housewives require a small investment, provide opportunities for high profits and more includes
2.medical and general transcription
3.virtual assistant
4.freelance writing
6.customer service.

 Tags: Housewives, jobs



  1. Here are some good jobs for housewives:

    1. Cook

    2. Clean

    3. Ready when you are

    4. speak when spoken to

    5. give you amazing kids

    6. never get fat

    7. never talk back

    ok this is what most men who don't have brain would say. 

    In reality, when a women is staying at home, there is a reason. Most of the time, it is to attend to her family.  Some time while you are staying at home, you would need some extra money. The best jobs that i can think of for housewives would be:

    1. Write articles from home

    2. Babysit other children 

    3. Teach

    4. Start your own website

    5. Make sale calls from home. More and more call centers are providing options for people to work from home. they set you up with all you need to be able to sell.

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