
...boyfriend :/ ?!?

by  |  earlier

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sorry, long!

details: kay, well me & my boyfriend (14) have been going out for 8 months....and we recently got in to a BIG fight..because he was hangn' out with 3 girls (that he met while camping) + our friend *james WaterWorld.

at first i asked him who was going and he said, "just me and James" and then laterrrr found out that he was going with the 3 i asked him why he was lying and he said he forgot?!

BTW, i know my boyfriend would neveer try to hurt me..

but ijust got soo mad..and started yelling at him, and telling him he better not cheat on me with these s***s, and telling him to stop lying! i kinda said more mean things and made him cry...yess made him cry! :( he said he was just frustrated that i didnt trust him..but i DO trust him... it that i dont trust other girlllss!

he got so upset that...he said we should "take a break" and its been like 2 days and he doesnt answer my messages or calls..





  1. . would you get mad/upset if your boyfriend was going to a pool party with 3 girls you did know?!

    2. do you think he reeeally "forgot"?

    3.did i over-react?

    4. when do you think he'll start talking to me??

    1)no i wouldnt

    2) idk


  2. Well, if he's not the sensitive "type" then you went a bit overboard...

    1. I would be mad. Then Id ask if they did anything, and if he admitted it, dump him of course. If he lied again and I found out somewhere else, scream at him then dump him. XD

    2. Not at all

    3. I kinda answered that in 1. But I think maybe just a little

    4. Not sure.

  3. If I had a bf (single for now and enjoying it) I don't think that I would be so possesive that he would be afraid to tell me that he was going to hang so other girls. And if he "forgot" I would be understanding that you can talk with a girl and be friends with a girl and not be dating. Ok! I have know my crush since I was 2 and ever where we go ( we are really good friends and he always calls me with some of his problems or life changing things, such as his Great grandmother dying) we are always asked if we are dating. I smile and just state no, but this world has come to this idea that is a girl is with in 3 feet of a guy she is dating him and that is just not true. SO go to his house and tell him that you are sorry that you love him and just want an open relationship with him and want him to understand that if he told you all who where going that you would freakout and that it is okay for him to have other friends that are girls!

  4. hmm, i think you guys SHOULD just take a break and then get back ...sounds like theres alot of jealousy and drama in ur relationship.

  5. u over-reacted. It makes you come off as needy, clingy etc. not a good look! Hes g*y, hes not going to cheat on u with girls >_>

    and, 3 girls? at a park? uh that doesnt sound romantic at all.. just sounds like friends going out. Calm down and think over wat u did, it wasnt really called for =x

  6. k girlie umm i think that no u didnt over-react and i think that i would be sooooooo mad if my bf wen t2 a pool party w/o telling me that he was goin with three other girls..........umm firdt of all hes a liar and he might be a cheater so dont make ur self sound desperate cuz after all it was his fault for not telling u so if he wants 2 break up then i would tell him fine in a ok im ok with it type voice and dont text him any more and if u see him dont look at him or try to contact him in any way   hope this helpz good luck!!!!!!

  7. he didnt mention them cuz he didnt feel it was important did u at leas hear him out and not just yell and take out your frustration on him.

    EDIT: theres a part 2 k

    i might get pissed of but not overreact

    he didnt forget just didnt want to mention it cuz he might have know u would get really mad


  8. maybe you 2 do just need a break. no i dont think he forgot... and because we can all be naturally jealous it is normal to overeact a little bit. if he really cares for you he will come around. you just need to make it clear to him that you trust him! :)

  9. get over it..your 14

    "i forgot", lamest excuse ever

  10. 1. would you get mad/upset if your boyfriend was going to a pool party with 3 girls you did know?! not unless he was being defensive when i asked him about it, or denied it after he knew i had found out.

    2. do you think he reeeally "forgot"? yes. or he thought his reason was stupid.

    3.did i over-react? kind of. you made him think you don't trust him which makes anybody mad

    4. when do you think he'll start talking to me?? after you apologize and tell him that you didn't mean you don't trust him, but he was being mysterious about it and you got worried that he had moved on and he means a lot to you (or something like that)

    you guys have been going out for 8 months so maybe letting him hang with a few girls that don't go to your school that he'll never see again for a few days isn't a bad thing.
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