
=c( Psychological Problems!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering... i have had psychological problems all my life, but didn't understand it to be a problem until this age of my life. I guess life has always been trying to tell me something that is - " 'LIFE' is what it is" but some people tend to think I am wrong and try to press their beliefs upon me.

I try to use the "Everyone is different approach... otherwise it would be a boring world" But it still affects every area of my life, Personal-Family-Relationships-Work-Legal... I am completely overwhelmed at times and don't get a break!! (not trying to have another psychological breakdown.) Sometimes I seem contagious to others and no one wants to talk to me or i have to isolate myself from others because of feelings or emotions.

I try to ignore my psychological problem but seek help too! (or in this case on a 2 way street, other peoples problems as well) I Believe that it will get better for myself and others around me, yet it seems to be for me the only thing that works on a daily basis for me to keep my sanity. I have seen almost 20 doctors, and think that soon I will need to find a new psychologist. (joking...ha..)

(specific problem: emotions, invisible things, yelling, the opposite s*x, abuse, violence, BUT MAINLY "28 years of psychological abuse")




  1. what exactly is your question?

    if you mean what can you do to help with your problems then I advise continuing to see psychologists or therapists or even a psychiatrist (thats the one with the meds that can help people sometimes). If none of that works for you then try meditation, which can really help some people.

    you may have bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, but I'm not a doctor so I could very well be wrong.

    don't worry, the more positive your approach, the better your prospects. With support, you can get through your problems.

    edit: ohh i see...well I have a slightly similar problem, in that no one can ever even begin to understand what I'm going through in my life  I've learned that a lot of people just plain don't care, and are not very likely to make accomodations for someone's specific mental needs if it doesn't benefit them. Once you diagnose your particular condition, however, you should definitely seek treatment of osme sort and make it a habit to tell people you have special needs and request that they be respectful of yours. The amazing thing about humanity is they can be horribly cruel but also surprise you with pure kindness. Also, since you mention you have problems with emotion and anger and violence, try closing your eyes and imagining you're on an island or just counting to ten before you act. It might help.

    Seriously though, you should seek proper professional help in the form of counseling, medication, or even meditation, which can help you contain your anger, connect with yourself, and calm your mind. Try to reach out to friends and family as well. I can't count the number of times I wished I had someone to talk to. That can be the ultimate treatment sometimes.

    Sorry I can't be of more help.

  2. I did my own soul searching - anything, books, newspaper, talk radio, I choose very specific friends and now only have contact with 5.  When they are real friends you only have a few.  I looked into religion and eventually went back to the religion I was raised in.   I write my feelings in a notebook when I feel overwhelmed with thoughts.   I jot down smal term and longer term goals whether it might be in personal self-improvement or things I would like to buy that I might have to save for.  so basically I distract myself and I finally got to the point that I don't really need for another person to hear me out or understand me because I accept myself and don't look for acceptance anymore.  And finally I pray more.  I go to sleep with the catholic radio on because it answers callers questions and gives you bible teachings in the form of stories that are so relaxing and interesting to listen to.  

    When I'm in a relationship I've learned to give instead of constantly expecting.  I still do the above privately so that I'm not a burden because I want to be a partner and not be in that co-dependent relationship.

  3. Have you acupuncture ?

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