
..can a mother really have the heart to ignore her kids for years?

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..i just want her to call the kids at least on their b-days, if not to attend school activities; like graduations..

...perhaps a sleep-over? (nah, i'm pushing it)




  1. Sounds like my neice! She had a baby, after 2 days she gives her to her husbands grandparents and she leaves. She's been to Germany and now out west, left the baby behind, she's almost 4 years old now and is clueless who her parents even are. They're divorced now and he's been with everyone, has like 4 more kids scattered now. Now she wants to get remarried to some clown she met on the internet who is old enough to be her dad, and she wants to pop back in on this child's life now and demands this family let her be her flowergirl! Crasy! She only knows her when she feels like playing Mommy............she doesn't care one bit!

  2. Well, I guess so.

    I think it's horrible.

    I hear about mothers just walking away from her family all the time.

    I don't see how anyone could possibly do that.

  3. Obviously, there are lots of mothers that turn their backs on their children.  There are also multiple reasons why they do it.  Its the mother's decision though.  There's nothing anyone can do about it.

  4. No unless it would be a sacrifice for their own good (someway)

  5. no maybe not the heart but there are several reasons why a mother would stray away from her children.

  6. I guess so yes

    i know this girl who has 2 children both girls and she has admitted that she doenst love the youngest horrible is that?

  7. yes i have heard of people doing that and never looking back,in the end its probably better  the kids have nothing to do with a person like could be drugs another man or just her wanting her freedom

  8. I don't think she has a heart... I'm glad you do though :)

  9. No, a Real Mother would never be able to ignore her children for any length of time but a woman without a beating heart can.  Any one that is called a Mother makes all the sacrifice that they need to  in order to take care of her children....

    When a "so-called Mother" walks away from her children to fulfill her own selfish desires doesn't deserve the title of "MOTHER"...That is a name given to women that understand the facts that that child grew inside of her body...that she was the only nurturer for 9 months...and that that child didn't ask to be brought into this world...

    Sorry, but I have a real issue with so called mom's...when mothers shirk their duties of motherhood, put their children off on someone else, just so that can "find themselves" so to speak... God help those children find a better example of what motherhood really is...  I know that there are cases that are an exception to the rule but parents need to take responsiblity for their actions...they need to be held accountable...  anyways....that's my thoughts on your question. Sorry if I offended anyone..but my thoughts are truthful....HH

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