
?????????????????canada wonder land

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heyy people is that new ride what ever it is called at canadawonder land scary ?????????? and what is it like ???????????????





    the first dive from 75 DEGREE. is terrifying

    i couldn't even scream, it went so fast

    but after that first dive it is just fun

    cuz the rest of it can't top that dive

  2. It's called the Bohemoth............ In my opinion it's not scary but more of a fun ride. After you go on it you will love it. For some reason I can't get enough of it!

  3. It's called Behemoth.

    Whether it's scary or not depends on your roller coaster experiences, in the past. While I was in line, a woman behind me said how scared she was at the top, and how she couldn't even open her eyes during the first drop.

    I'm a roller coaster maniac, so I didn't really think it was scary. Though the first time, going up the first drop was nerve-racking, because the thing was so high, you think "oh my god, when are we getting to the top, why is this taking so long. HOLY c**p WE'RE HIGH!" Then the initial first drop was AMAZING! The rush, the height, the speed, etc. Other than that, the rest of the ride is really fun and kind of relaxing (assuming that you ride roller coasters a lot.) I still love riding it though. And though the line seems pretty long, the line moves very fast.

  4. The Behemoth and it is supposed to be amazing but it is scary.  My daughter has yet to get the nerve up to go on it!

  5. behemoth! the line is always long but it's totally worth it. you practically have to kill time while you're on the first drop, it's so long.  

  6. It's called Behemoth...I've never been on it, but everyone I know who has is hooked.  The 75 degree drop is supposed to be awesome


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