
?cat bite with rabies?

by Guest45551  |  earlier

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The kitten from next door was in my yard and my 3 year old little girl got bite by it. The kitten ended up having rabies. Now my little girl has to get 6 shots that are $500 each plus Dr. fees. What should I do? The cat also bite another little girl to.




  1. To test for rabies they have to destroy the animal, so obviously the kitten was killed. You can sue them for the cost of medical expenses. However, you may want to talk with the owner first in hopes you can avoid a legal case. If he will not pay for the shots, just take him to court.

  2. Make sure everyone gets the shots they need.

    The other girl, as well as the kitten's owners need to be treated.

    It seems like your hinting about a lawsuit.  Do sue.  Sue the kitten's owners, sue the property manager(s).  If someone owned the kitten before your neighbor, sue them too.

    If the county/state or government could possibly be blamed, sue them too.  Example:  If the neighbor got the cat from a shelter, you could sue.  Even if it was stray.  It's the government's responsibility to see to the public health and safety.

    Wishing you many large settlements.

    Good luck.

  3. Are you sure it has rabies? The only way to know is to have it tested, which involves removing the kitten's head. You may already know this.

    What do you mean when you say " what should I do?" About what?

    It sounds like you're doing what you should for your daughter.

    Be aware that other animals in your neighborhood could have been infected. Encourage your neighbors to vaccinate their pets for rabies if they haven't already. There is a rabies vaccine for humans as well.

    Not all animals infected with rabies are aggressive. There are some that exhibit what is called dumb rabies. Staring, drooling, not moving.

    Research it on the web.

    Best of luck to you.

  4. Like Percy said, this is complete B.S. None of your story makes the slightest bit of sense. What account name are you going to use tomorrow after they turn this one off????

  5. They had to destroy the kitten to find out it had rabies.  The only test for rabies involves examining the kitten's brain (or whatever critter).

    There have been more cases of rabies in the Eastern states and even a few in the Midwest.  Some say that the importation of dogs from other countries that are not responsibly vetted and quarantined are contributing.  Some say that the movement of raccoons is the problem.  

    You can (and should) ask the cat's owner for reimbursement for medical expenses at minimum.  If it were me, I would also want Animal Control to notify anyone else who might have been exposed, they may be unaware of the rabies and have been bitten or scratched.  Have you filed a police report?  Notified any of the aspca/animal control authorities?  Any incident of rabies is required to be reported to the Center for Disease Control also.

  6. Sorry, but this post is COMPLETE BS.  You have a brand new account - clear sign you're a troll who's just started a new account after losing your last one.

    Rabies in house pets is NOT that common - and how on earth would a cat from a BREEDER contract rabies?  How many breeders allow their kittens/cats to roam around outdoors?  NONE.

    So nice try, buddy.  Surely there's got to be better things you can do with your time.  No?  Then you're even more pathetic than I originally thought.

  7. get the shots and did they destroy the kitten  i hope so the other girl will have to have shots also  
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