
### cheating just break up!!! If you got cheated on is it your fault ? And more, read on......

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Why do people cheat ? They cheat because their partner is not giving them want they need in a relationship(usually it's sexual).....hint... it is usually the other partners fault, cheating happens. People usually don't cheat if their partner is satisfying them mentally and physically. This is obvious. What do you think ?




  1. You can have an open relationship.  You can date people who are like that.  When you choose to lie to your partner, the only one at fault is you.

  2. I think you’ve had some miss understandings in your past with men that you seriously need to re-evaluate. Although I can’t answer for every person that has cheated or has had someone cheat on them, I would still like to give you my thoughts on the issue. From life experiences, I’ve learned that people cheat for a number of reasons. Some want more then what they have,  some see it as a challenge to ensure themselves that they’ve “still got it”, for some its because they’re not being satisfied at home (as you’ve already stated) and some for the simple fact that they can’t help themselves.

    But when it all comes down to it, and all the facts, thoughts and opinions have been tired and judge, people cheat for the simple fact that they want too. And it’s not the fault of the significant other, because they have no control over what their loved one’s do when not in their company. I’m a strong believer in the idea that no one can make you do anything you don’t want to do. Regardless of how bad you make think or feel your relationship is at home, the most common sense thing to do would be to end it and move on with your life (but then again, common sense isn’t always common). If you  (or anyone for that matter) feels that someone is not making you happy, they’re not meeting you basic needs, or you’re no longer attracted to them, then show them the curtsies and respect they deserve by telling them (being honest) how you feel, and let to them be. Let them go their way and you go yours so that you both may find what it is that you’re looking for in a relationship/marriage. Why hold on to someone that you no longer care for, misuse and abuse their feelings in the process by disrespecting them? Let go and let god, so that you may find that “special someone” that you thought you had. But the best part about seeing people who’ve cheated on you in your past, is when you see them again and they’re more miserable now then what they where when they where with you. (Giggling to myself) that is the best revenge within itself, because what goes around comes around. And when they find out that the man/woman they where chasing after while with you wasn’t what they thought he/she was, it’s priceless!

    Edit: And it doesn’t really mean that they’re not doing something right to make you happy if you cheat. Because the problem could be with you. If every man or woman you get into a relationship with is “The same” or bores you, it’s because there’s either something in you that’s attracted to those type of people or  you’re not satisfied with yourself; there fore you’ll never be satisfied with anyone else. I was always told to take a look in the mirror first when there is a problem in your life vs. blaming others first hand.

    Edit: For the first time I can say (and tell the truth) that I agree with everyone in here so far. Good job guys.

  3. I think most people that cheat do so to bolster their own egos. Having someone other than their partner find them attractive can be a huge rush. These are the kind of people who have to 'act on their flattery', rather than being flattered and remaining faithful. When I am in a relationship, I have to show commitment and just a tiny bit of effort to stay loyal to the woman I'm with. It's never been an enormous sacrifice.  

  4. it sounds like you cheated on someone and you feel guilty so you're trying to justify yourself.

    h**l NO it is NOT a person's fault if they get cheated on. people don't always cheat because their partner is failing to give them something important. if that was the case, they'd simply break up with their partner. the reasons for cheating are usually very shallow, like they just felt like having s*x with a hot young s*x partner. it is a not a person's fault that they can't match the physical ideal that their immature partner still desires. that is the fault of the cheater for failing to grow up.

  5. I have to disagree.  Many cheaters cheat because that's what they want.  They get bored.  They are self-centered and have to be dazzled and intrigued all the time.  They enjoy the sneaking around.  The enjoy the danger in it all.  And when that relationship is no longer exciting they move on to another.  

    Sounds like you are a cheater that is making excuses for being unstable and easily distracted.  Better to point the blame than admit that you need to fix what ails you with your mate and not the other way around.  The cheater has to initiate the conversation of dissatisfaction.  In most cases they have to just be honest with themselves and realize that they are incapable of real love.  Real love doesn't cheat when the s*x becomes less exciting.  Love is not about that.

  6. People cheat for any number of reasons and there's no evidence that one gender is more apt to cheat than the other.  The matter is far too complex than simply sexual dissatisfaction in many cases.

  7. People cheat because they're @ssholes (male or female).  It is, in no way, the fault of the other person in the relationship.  If a person cheats, its because they do not value the person they are in the relationship with and because they have questionable values.  If a person is so unhappy in a relationship that they feel they WANT to cheat, then they should break up with the person.  Going behind their back and sleeping with another person is a conscious act of betrayal and a show of lack of respect.  

    If you're unhappy with the person then its time to either talk it over or break up.  And no, it is not always the other persons fault if you're unhappy.  Sometimes people drift apart or sometimes people just get bored.  Sometimes people change or their outlook on life changes.  It is not always that the other partner has failed in some way. Perhaps the one doing the cheating is the one doing the failing in the relationship.

    Either way, taking blame off the cheater is like taking blame off of a crook for a crime.  He or she did the deed, he or she is fully responsible for what was done.  You can't point fingers.

    In the end, if you're not happy, leave the relationship-- don't cheat.

  8. I agree with doggie

  9. i agree w/ crouching doggie.

  10. It is the cheaters fault. If you make a commitment to someone and break it, it is the breaker's fault. If you are not happy talk it over. If you can't come to an agreement, break up, not being satisfied is not a good enough reason. Be honest about what you want and are willing to give. If it's not working do the hard (but honest) thing and move on.

    EDIT: Your happiness is you're responsibility. no one else can make you happy or unhappy.

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