
*cries* 8th grade!!!!! HELP!?

by Guest33088  |  earlier

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OMG! I am so scared 4 8th. People still exclude me and I don't have any friends...yet! *cries* sorry, but this is making me real sad. I don't even know what to do. Oh God, I wish I'm dead! I want to change but I don't know where to start! Please help me! Tips? What should I do? And I really want to go to the high school I wanted to go to! (since I attend @ a private school lol) *cries*




  1. Stop crying ! :)

    Just be yourself. Go up to people and use the folling conversation, if you like.

    You: Hi there .

    Them: Hi.

    You: Whats Up?

    Them : Nothing.

    You: I like your hair.

    Them. Gee. Thanks :)

    You: *laugh a bit* I'm (your name here), btw. Can you show how to do that hair later today?

    And just continue from there. Hope I helped. :)

  2. lol i have no friends either, but i dont care! ;)

  3. you'll be okay you'll make friends soon enough try goingto PTA meeting  or if your going to Washing DC this year of Something go to some of the meetings.

  4. talk to the people in your class/classes. making friends is way easier than people make it out to be. if you sit there thinking "god i am soo sad, im such a dork" you wont make any friends. its a matter of saying hello. smiling. talking..and asking questions. some good coversation starters include what she/he did over the summer and their favourite music, and conversation will begin:)

  5. I don't think you need to change. i think you should be yourself and people will like you for who you are. You will make friends but you need to kinda put yourself out there, not like "Hey Look at me!" but introduce yourself to others, make friendly conversation and don't be afraid to show them who you are, there will be someone who sees you and will want to get to know you. School for your most likely just started, so don't fret it. Good Luck to you this year and make the most out of it as you can!

  6. Its going to be okay!

    First things first, calm down. :]

    Just be yourself! Start smalltalk with people in your classes. People love to talk about themselves, so if you find someone who you think would be nice, ask them what music they like, where they like to shop, small questions like that. Then relate it back to yourself.

    Ex: You ask someone what music they like, and they say Rock.

    You could say something about how much you like Rock, or if Pop is more of your genre.

    Just talk for however long you feel comfortable with. You'll learn alot about who your classmates are

    Unfortunately, "looks are the first thing that people pay attention to. Do you have uniforms? If you don't, try and keep up a little with the fashion. If your family doesn't have the money or you dont feel like wearing whats in style,  just make sure your clean and your hair is styled.

    Get involved! Try some school sports (if your that kind of person) or find a club that looks fun

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck!

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