
???de ja vu?

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what is it? and why does it happen? it happens to me allllll the time!




  1. i have dejavu  like three times a day :|

    but sorry, i dont know the answer

  2. Give some examples!  I'm interested in hearing your story.

  3. What I heard was that apparently your mind records things that haven't happened yet... not sure how your mind could possibly do that, but...

  4. Maybe you're experiencing de ja vu because you have psychic abilities or have lived an other life.....or have eaten to late?

  5. You probably go through the same routine day after day, and notice the same things throughout.

    Don't worry too much about it.

  6. de ja vu, eerie feeling, this has already happened. Does this mean in one split second, you have seen the future? are reliving a scenario from your past? Don't know

    Have you ever had a backwards de ja vu? Instead of thinking and feeling , This has happened before, The feeling is I am going to do that? Now that is weird.

  7. Deja vu has been firmly associated with temporal-lobe epilepsy. Reportedly, deja vu can occur just prior to a temporal-lobe seizure. People suffering a seizure of this kind can experience deja vu during the actual seizure activity or in the moments between convulsions.

    Since deja vu occurs in individuals with and without a medical condition, there is much speculation as to how and why this phenomenon happens. Several psychoanalysts attribute deja vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes the brain to mistake the present for the past. Many parapsychologists believe it is related to a past-life experience. Obviously, there is more investigation to be done.

  8. I believe the de ja vu is when we subconsciously see the future' but its not until that moment in time occurs and shocks the image or feeling to the conscious mind, that we then realise what we have seen in the future.The human brain is an amazing thing' and it is capable of things we still don't yet know or understand.So a part of the brain may be able to bend space and time,and see into the future.

    Hope this helps you,

    And keep an open mind.

  9. Deja vu is french for "already seen". It is a phonomenon where you recognize a current situation as something familiar that seems to have already happened. Usually you may think that you dreamt the next day before it happened. In actuality its your brain playing tricks on you, you only think that you remembered it from before, but you never really thought of it until that moment. I can understand how constant deja vu feels, I went through a period where it happened at least once a day. Still does! :)

  10. I think that we were in fact alive in a previous existence and that we all come back to relive the same life but to do something diff rent.

  11. It's a glitch in the Matrix, lol. No but I know what you mean. Best bet is to Google it or look it up on any search engine and see what comes up

  12. its really normal with teens. dont worry :)

  13. Deja Vu means repeating an experience of simularities, my own perception is there can be certain aspects of an actual event that can seem simular to the current event.  You get this eerie feeling that you have been or done this before!

    What comes around go's around...

  14. DEJA VU

    French for “already seen,” the feeling or illusion of having previously experienced an event or place actually being encountered for the first time; also called “false memory,” or “memory without recognition,” although the phenomenon could conceivably involve precognitive or clairvoyant information, in which case Frederic Myers gave it the name promnesia. [From the Greek pro, “prior to,” + mnesis, “memory”]

    I also liked the movie.


  15. It is somthin funny to say!~

  16. I just asked a question about this about a week ago! I have deja vou all the time, only I seem to actually see the thing happen sometimes, and then when it does happen I'm like holy c**p, I wasn't just day dreaming!!!! I really have no idea how it works, its just wierd.

  17. OK...Maybe it's like a Double Feature . It happens and then instantly happens quickly that you don't realize it happened twice. Or maybe it happens..then you have a quick memory of it  quick you don't realize it just happened...but the "feeling" is still there.. (Just came to'll have to think about what I said. lol)

  18. could be that you may have phsyic abilities of some sort, maybe hints that that may be your gift, do you understand what i mean, hope this helps, find someone who is physyic and ask them maybe thats how they first started knowing they were physic, hope everythings all good for you.

  19. it normally happens when you dream of something thats probably going to happen and it does. like riding your bike at a certain spot... its subconciense (spelling sux)... i cant explain certain events though...
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